
The connection between magnetism and electricity

The connection between magnetism and electricity Magnetism and electricity are two powerful forces that are closely related to each other. Both forces can be understood through […]
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Neodymium magnets are the most sought-after magnets

Neodymium magnets are the most sought-after magnets Neodymium magnets are the most sought-after for their magnetic properties, this magnet is part of the group of permanent […]
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Induced magnetism

Induced magnetism Induced magnetism is a non-magnetized magnetic material coming into contact with a pole of a permanent magnet. Consequently, the unmagnetized material becomes a magnet. […]
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Source of the magnetic field

Source of the magnetic field The source of the magnetic field is created by magnetic energy.There are three sources for creating a magnetic field: Permanent magnet: […]
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Magnets to fight malaria

Magnets to fight malaria John Lewandowski, un estudiante graduado en ingeniería mecánica en el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts , ha inventado una máquina que utiliza […]
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What is the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet?

What is the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet? Before trying to explain the main differences between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet, we […]
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Where is the north pole of a magnet?

Where is the north pole of a magnet? Magnets can come in many shapes.¡ But in this case, to be able to talk about the north […]
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How are neodymium magnets manufactured?

How are neodymium magnets manufactured? Before learning about the manufacturing process of neodymium magnets, we would like to point out some aspects that we consider important […]
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How neodymium magnets are made

How neodymium magnets are made Magnets are all noted for their magnetic properties. However, not all magnets have the same characteristics, nor are they all the […]
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