What is a magnetic storm?

A magnetic storm is a set of magnetic field interactions in the Earth's interior caused by the reactions of solar winds. he magnetic field protects the Earth by preventing the entry of wind particles from the Sun, caused by the erosion of the star. The electrically charged particles then reach the Earth, which is called a geomagnetic storm.

The magnetic storm was discovered by Alexander von Humboldt, a German naturalist, astronomer, and explorer, who on 21 December 1806 patented the magnetic variations found in the magnetic field.

Phases of a magnetic storm

A magnetic storm is composed of a series of phases: first of all the earth's magnetic field is weakened by the impact of wind particles. Later we find the stage known as the storm phase, where the wind pressure is altered, producing a variation of the value in the earth's magnetic field, up to an increase of 50 NT, this phase lasts for hours. Finally, we find the recovery phase where the magnetic field can take up to a week to recover the original field strength.

Effects of a magnetic storm

Magnetic storms have several effects that affect humans, animals, and electronics. Humans perceive them by the appearance of headaches, while in animals we see a behavior change, as they are more nervous. On the other hand, problems appear in electronic elements such as communication systems and GPS. Also, some of the effects that can be seen with magnetic storms are the visibility of auroras in non-recurrent places; this alteration is due to the impact of electrical particles that make our magnetic field react.

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