
What are neodymium magnets or supermagnets?

Neodymium magnets consist of an alloy of neodymium, boron, and iron, or NdFeB for short, also known as supermagnets. Super magnets have a much higher adhesive strength than conventional magnets, which means they are very strong magnets and can withstand more weight. They are needed in different industrial applications. The magnets are used, for example, in electric motors or model making as block magnets.

They are permanent magnets, which means that the magnetic effect exists permanently. The magnetic effect cannot be deactivated in comparison to an electromagnet.

Be careful when handling these magnets. Even with smaller magnets, fingers can be injured due to the high attraction, if one is careless. The magnets are relatively fragile, so they can sometimes splinter. This can happen, for example, when magnets collide uncontrollably. If you use a pacemaker or medical equipment, you should strictly avoid strong magnets, as the magnetic fields disrupt the function.

Grades of super magnets

There are different grades for the classification of magnets. The grades are mentioned in short formulas such as N42 or N30. The higher the grade, the higher the adhesive force, or more precisely, the energy product. The higher the energy product, the higher the adhesion, in other words, how much the magnet can hold.

Strong magnets are more expensive than conventional magnets. Another disadvantage is that the operating temperature is lower than with conventional magnets. The maximum operating temperature is about 200°C.

A supermagnet is available in different forms. Depending on the field of application or the application, magnets are offered in different shapes.

What applications or areas of application are there?

These magnets are used in different applications depending on their shape (ring, bar, and block magnets). In principle, these magnets can be used in any application where strong magnetic forces are needed. For example, these magnetic forces can prove their strengths in the power generator. In wind turbine power generators, strong alloy magnets are used, for example, to increase efficiency. In doing so, they increase efficiency. Another application is due to the high adhesive power in medicine.

In addition, there are many more possibilities for the use of magnets. You can find more applications on the IMA website. We are happy to inspire you to get enough ideas to realize your projects. One can be amazed by the many possibilities offered by such magnets.

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