
Differences between a Neodymium magnet and a Samarium magnet

When deciding to buy a type of magnet we must know the use we are going to give it. That use will determine the purchase, choosing the magnet that best suits our needs, since, as in everything, there are some magnets that will fit more than others to a particular type of space. It is not the same to buy a magnet that must withstand high temperatures than another that does not. Just as it is not the same to do us with a magnet that we are going to use in exteriors that with another one whose use is inside our house or work.

Neodymium magnets consist of a type of rare earth material, and we can indicate that it is a special material. If we combine it with iron or boron we can create the most powerful magnets today. On the other hand, due to its nickel and copper coating, it obtains a very beautiful surface of a silver colour, so that its use in interiors is perfectly compatible with home decoration. The clamping force is so powerful that it can be used in confined spaces. But as we

shall see, Samarian magnets also belong to the rare earth group and coincide in many things, although there are some, as we will see below, that make them different.

Samarium Magnets are among the strongest and are mainly used in generators, electric motors, sensors and measurement technology. In highly technological processes, the samarium magnet is indispensable.

But before continuing we must warn that the Samarium magnet is a special permanent magnet and we must highlight its high performance. As already mentioned, Samarium magnets belong to the rare earth family. Samarium, in combination with cobalt, is an alloy used primarily in the production of permanent magnets.

A model of the most resistant magnet

Until the mid-1970s, these magnets were mainly used when the energy density of ferrite magnets was no longer sufficient. But while ferromagnetic magnets are very susceptible to temperature, rare earth magnets reach operating limits of up to 450°C. Just as these magnets have a high corrosion resistance.

Possibly, corrosion is among the main differences between the two. The Samarium magnet, even if uncoated, is highly resistant to corrosion and also to acids. In fact, we can indicate that Neodymium magnets were invented in the mid-1980s as an alternative to Samarium magnets. But its distrust of corrosion and the need to be treated on its surface, clearly indicate the superiority in this aspect of Samarium.

Today Samarium magnets are mainly used in the motor industry. They can be found in electric, direct current, linear and servo motors, as well as in brake technology. Also in sensor technology.

In general we can say that both rare earth magnets are very versatile. And some of its properties such as flexibility, functionality and precision stand out, which makes us able to give it almost unlimited uses. There are many fields of application in which we can see your application.

Therefore we can say that corrosion resistance is the main difference with the Neodymium magnet. While both share many other characteristics such as energy density and also the perfect use at high temperatures.

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