Difference between axial, radial, and diametrical magnetization

Magnetization is the process by which magnets become magnetized and acquire the characteristic properties of magnetic elements. Due to this phenomenon, the object acquires the strength to attract or repel a metallic object. There are different types of magnetization of a magnet, depending on the line of induction, in other words, the way the magnetic field is represented.
Ferromagnetic materials can be magnetized by magnetic induction whereby magnetic fields produce electric fields. The induced magnetism is created by the strength of such a field.

Types of magnetization

The 3 types of magnetization that we can find depending on the different magnetizations are:

Below, we can find several magnetizations with different numbers of poles that both have an axial magnetization.

RepresentationNumber of poles
Single pole
Two poles
Four poles
Multiple poles
Four poles on one side
Unipolar, single pole

As we can see all poles have a horizontal magnetization.

RepresentationNumber of poles
Single pole

RepresentationNumber of poles
Single pole
Multiple poles
Diameter and direction, one pole
Diameter and direction, four poles

To know the magnetization process of a magnet, we must bring it close to some other metallic element.

The difference between axial and diametral magnetization lies in the magnetization force about the location of the magnetic field. Axial magnetization, having the direction of magnetization horizontally, the force will predominate on those faces. On the other hand, diametral magnetization is magnetized in its diameter. In addition to these two types, we find the radial magnetization which has multiple poles so it has a wider range of applications.

Risks when handling strong magnets

Magnets are objects that we use in our daily life, depending on the application to which we want to destine it, we will use one type or another. The strongest magnet and therefore the most dangerous magnet is the neodymium magnet. If this type of permanent magnet has large dimensions, there may be a risk of serious accidents due to its large magnetic field.
As we already know in everyday life magnets attract aluminum and gold, among other materials, we must be careful when using them and in the case of large magnets, store them properly to ensure the welfare of the people around them, as well as objects and furniture that are nearby.

What factors do we have to take into account when handling strong magnets and transporting them?

When dealing with magnets with a high magnetism we have to take into account several factors such as:

In addition to the dangers of magnets and working with large magnets, there are also possible accidents caused by smaller magnets.

Which magnets are most frequently involved in accidents?

The most recurrent accidents with this type of magnet are:

IMA participates in the Work, Talent, and Technology Project.

IMA receives the visit of the municipal technician Laura Olivera Martin, on the occasion of our participation in the Work, Talent and Technology Project as suppliers of goods related to the health chain.

The purpose of this project is to increase and promote quality employment and competitiveness based on people's talent. It also aims to improve sustainable economic development and collaborate in reducing social inequalities.

IMA, the leader in the magnetic sector, participates in different technological projects related to the medical sector.

Our systems and solutions are applied in:

All of them ensuring a correct and quality operation according to the requirements of our customers.

Innovation Award

Our actions and initiatives reflect our commitment and awareness of the fight against climate change and a truly sustainable energy transition.

Therefore, at IMA we have implemented different initiatives focused on energy sustainability, renewable energies, and sustainable mobility: installation of solar self-consumption, installation of bicycle parking inside the warehouse, adhesion to the Voluntary Agreements Program, a mobility diagnosis, the acquisition of a 100% electric vehicle for the commercial area and the installation of two chargers for electric vehicles.

These last two actions,the purchase of the vehicle and the installation of electric chargers, have been awarded 1st and 2nd prizes in the category of Energy Sustainability and Renewable Energies in the 2020 Innovative Projects Awards granted by the Ripollet City Council. All our efforts add up.

Hook magnets and their different uses

Hook magnets are already implemented in several sectors such as gastronomy, automotive, advertising... Hook magnets are widely used as they only require a metallic surface, they can be made of neodymium magnets or ferrite magnets .

Hook magnets can be of different types of magnets, but the most common for their high holding strength is usually neodymium magnets, these are used in order to install ornamental objects, office wiring...

Neodymium hook magnets are an excellent choice to stick and hold any object on surfaces made of ferromagnetic materials (nickel, iron, or cobalt). This is a good alternative, since this way we avoid drilling or screwing the wall and prevent leaving a mark: this is a faster, easier and cleaner solution.

We can use them in different areas:

Neodymium hook magnets are an excellent choice to stick and hold any object on surfaces made of ferromagnetic materials (nickel, iron, or cobalt). This is a good alternative, since this way we avoid drilling or screwing the wall and prevent leaving a mark: this is a faster, easier and cleaner solution.

Customizable hook magnets

You can find a wide variety of hook magnets, in different colors and shapes, at your fingertips. You will find hook magnets made of different magnetic materials such as neodymium hook magnets or ferrite hook magnets. White hook magnets are particularly popular because they fit virtually anywhere. Transparent hook magnets are ideal for incorporating into any location, whether it is an outdoor location such as a stall or an indoor location such as an office. Contact us and we will provide you with the best solution for your needs.

What is the temperature coefficient?

The temperature coefficient symbolized as α is a property, which does not depend on the amount of substance or size, of materials that quantify the relationship between the alteration of this property of a material and the temperature range. This temperature coefficient is expressed in K (according to the International System of Units).

The constant α is obtained with the following formula:

The negative temperature coefficientof resistance is called NTC (Negative temperature coefficient), it is given to the reduction in resistance with an increase in temperature, this coefficient is usually found in non-metallic substances and semiconductors.

While the positive temperature coefficient of resistance is called PTC (Positive temperature coefficient), it occurs when the temperature increase increases the resistance value of a material. PTCs can be found in pure metals.

Below, we can see the table of coefficients of variation of resistance per degree Celsius of temperature.

Materialα °CMaterialα °C
Carbon 0.0005 Niccolite 0.0002
Nickel 0.0047 Copper 0.00382
Advance 0.00002 Kruppine 0.0007
Wolfram 0.0045 Tungsten 0.0041
Gold 0.0034 Lead 0.0037
Nichrome  0.00013 Platinum 0.0025
Aluminum 0.0039 Iron 0.0052
Manganite - Brass 0.002
Silver 0.0038 Mercury 0.00089
Tin 0.0042 Phosphor bronze 0.002

If the temperature changes and increases by 10°C, the rate of change of chemical or biological systems will vary; this can be found with the temperature coefficient Q10, which is needed in chemical reactions.

Temperature coefficient of resistance

Thetemperature coefficient of resistance is the measure of alteration that we find inthe electrical resistanceof some substances of the degree of temperature variation.

The resistance (R) for a temperature variation (∆t) in degrees Celsius is found due to:

R = R0 -(1+α - ∆T)

The PT-100 sensor, which is a temperature sensor, is required to know the resistance performance at changing temperatures of the medium.

The temperature coefficient of the electrical resistance establishes the increase or decrease of the electrical resistance according to the change of temperature and the essence of the different materials. This coefficient is found thanks to the resistance formula that varies depending on the temperature variation.

On our website, we have different types of magnetic control equipment meet the needs of our customers.

What is the air gap?

The air gap is the air space between thestatorcore and the rotor of the electrical machine within a magnetic circuit. In electrical machines, the reluctance of the air gap can sometimes be overlooked without committing a major flaw in the calculations, thanks to the contrast with the reluctance of the magnetic circuit difference.

On the one hand, electric motors convert the supplied electrical energy into mechanical energy. On the other hand, the electrical generator uses mechanical energy and subsequently changes it into electrical energy.

In both cases, at the moment when the stator and rotor energy exchange works at the same time, in order to produce a magnetic flux by means of copper coils that the two machines have In this process of converting energy, the air gap comes into play.

Inside the air gap, a magnetic field is formed, one of the coils is in charge of producing the flux which must move through the air gap. This must be crossed twice by each pole that contains the electrical machine for each phase.

How does the air gap work?

One of its essential functions is to provide linearity to the magnetic circuit. It is also responsible for avoiding core saturation since it is in charge of distributing the flux dispersion manifested in an air gap to a large extent.

A medida que aumenta el entrehierro, asimismo aumenta la reluctancia, es decir, la resistencia que el material tiene en el momento en el que atraviesa el flujo magnético afectado por un campo magnético del aire. El cual, por la ley de OHM magnética, el flujo tendría que reducirse, al ser una fuerza que produce una intensidad de campo magnético constante.

A very important factor is that the greater the number of motor or generator poles, the more times the flux has to cross the air gap. Another very important factor is the monitoring of the air gap in electric motors and generators, otherwise, they would cause machine malfunctions.


Ferromagnetism is a property possessed by some materials which are attracted into the magnetic field. A ferromagnetic material is a material that has ferromagnetism which is attracted to magnets. Ferromagnetic elements are characterized by their magnetization which is supported by magnetic fields and remains magnetized even if the field is canceled.

In the same way, ferromagnetic minerals are attracted by a magnet, these minerals can be magnetized and become a magnet (natural or artificial) These types of materials can be magnetized quickly and retain their magnetization for a long period of time. In addition, one of the advantages they have is the ease with which the dipoles can be altered.

In 1907, Wess gained that knowledge when they examined the magnetic moments of atoms. According to the theory of Frenchman Pierre-Ernest Weiss ferromagnetic solid consists of a large number of small regions, or domains, in each of which all atomic or ionic magnetic moments are aligned. In a direction of uniform magnetization within a domain.

How does ferromagnetism work?

Ferromagnetism works by presenting this type of material to an intense magnetic field. Consequently, with this, we get an alignment in the same direction as the ferromagnetism core.

The materials with these characteristics areiron, cobalt, and nickel. Within these three the one that has more weight is iron, which response to the magnetic field that at the same time is being applied to it as well as to its internal configuration.

Ferromagnetism is referred to as the property of relative magnetic permeability greater than 1. The relative permeability can be known by the following fraction:

- μ = absolute permeability coefficient of a particular medium.

- μ0 = vacuum permeability

Materials have a limit temperature, which if exceeded couldlose their ferromagnetic properties. The temperature of these magnetic elements is called Curie temperature.

What are the uses and applications of ferromagnetism?

The applications of composite materials with ferromagnetic particles today are as:

What is an electro-permanent magnet?

The first electro-permanent magnet was created in 1824 by the physicist William Sturgeon. This physicist connected a wire to the two ends of a battery, this wire was wound to an iron bar as we can see in the photo.

Later, the passage of time the electro-permanent magnet evolved into the magnet we know today.

What is an electro-permanent magnet?

An electro-permanent magnet or also known as direct current electromagnets are a type of magnet made of ferrous alloys that produce a constant field and intensity, in other words, the current is given due to the circulation of electrons moving from the pole (-) to the pole (+), these maintain the same polarity.

DC electromagnets are responsible for converting electric current into the mechanical current.

The electro-permanent magnet is used for the following characteristics:

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