Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)

Uninterruptible power supply is a system already known to most of us and we simply assume that we always have electricity when we need it. In fact, this is not automatically the case and in the event of a power failure, we only notice how dependent we are on the fact that everything works perfectly.

This can be boring in everyday life and private life, but in most cases it is no longer tragic in the event of a power failure. You can help yourself with candles and, at best, take the time to relax. However, the situation is different in the industry. So how do you make sure that the electricity always works and, most importantly, evenly?

What are uninterruptible power systems?

These so-called UPS systems are used for devices where it is particularly important that they always work perfectly without any interruption. However, a malfunction is not just a power failure. There are nine cases of electrical interference:

With servers, routers and other machines and computer and communications programs in particular, it is very important that these electrical anomalies are balanced. There are three different types of UPS systems for this, which are the most common and protect against errors for different:

The former are often used to protect household appliances. It can be computers or televisions, for example. They protect against frequency fluctuations and drops or increases in voltage.

The second group already offers more complete protection and is also used in homes, but also in small businesses or laboratories. They are used against five of the anomalies mentioned above, which would also include frequency fluctuations and voltage drops or rises, as well as against low and high voltages. This is particularly useful and is already sufficient to keep routers, network devices, computers, security cameras, pumps, or electric motors running.

The latest group of UPS systems mentioned here provides comprehensive protection against the nine cases of problems mentioned. For this reason, these devices are also the most expensive to buy and have the disadvantage that the battery must be replaced more frequently because it is more stressed. Therefore, they are increasingly used in large companies for servers or electronic security devices.

If you want more information about uninterruptible power systems or if you want information about UPS systems available in our store, you can contact our specialist staff at any time without obligation. We would be delighted to help you.

Magnetic liquid, what is it?

Magnetic liquids have been around for a long time. More specifically, we have known for about 150 years. that liquids can have magnetic properties by adding iron particles to them. However, as with most inventions and discoveries, the prototype, while functional, was not entirely ideal. It was not until 1965 that the composition was optimized and only magnetic fluids, also called magnetic ferrofluids, were officially studied.

What are magnetic ferrofluids made of?

Of course, magnetic liquids do not occur entirely naturally. They always consist of a carrier liquid in which magnetizable particles are mixed. For example, the oil can also be transformed into a magnetic liquid, which can help with possible dirt, for example, thanks to magnetism to separate the oil from the water and, therefore, to clean the latter again very easily.

Using so-called surfactants, the magnetic particles, often magnetite, are processed to have the same structure as the carrier liquid, allowing for optimal mixing. For the liquid to have a magnetic effect, an external magnetic field is necessary in order to “charge” the particles.

What are magnetic fluids for?

Since this is an extraordinary and perhaps not too common substance, it may be a little more difficult to think of possible areas of application for magnetic liquids. However, there are many:

Let's take a closer look at how the magnetic liquid acts as a seal, which is also the most common application. Why? Precisely because it is very reliable and precise. As it is a liquid, it can adapt perfectly to all shapes and molds. Thanks to the magnetic field of an external permanent magnet, it not only stays in place, but also withstands extreme pressures. Therefore, it is not surprising that magnetic liquids are used as seals, especially during space travel and space industry, where particular toxic substances must also be prevented from entering.

Therefore, magnetic fluids perform complex and extremely important tasks in a wide variety of industries. This is why it is in fact a revolutionary development which can certainly also be used in other fields.

If you would like more information on this subject or would like to learn more about other non-binding magnetic products in order to find out how they can be useful for your needs, please do not hesitate to contact our team of experts.

How does a magnetic pendulum work?

The magnetic pendulum is not only fascinating to see, it is also an example of the phenomenon of deterministic chaos. This means that it is a system that erases the unstable equilibrium. We clarify exactly what this means using the following definitions:

Deterministic chaos: "irregular and chaotic behavior of system variables, which however obeys a deterministic dynamic, that is to say not due to accidental external influences such as noise. The reason for this irregularity is the existence of instabilities of the premises which cause a fast exponential divergence of the very close system states, as well as non-linearities which make that the identical or unstable system states are supposed on many occasions. "

Operation of the magnetic pendulum

With a magnetic pendulum, several disc magnets are attached to an iron plate. A pendulum is placed in a corner with a magnetic ball suspended above. If the disc magnets are aligned with their north pole up and the pendulum with the north pole down, they repel each other, causing a certain line of movement. If they are aligned with mutual poles, they dress accordingly.

You can now continue the experiment and test what happens when the starting point of the pendulum changes. Observe that the line of movement traversed by the pendulum will change considerably, even if the starting point is slightly modified. You can also vary the amount of disc magnets on your plate to change the result. In all cases, you will observe the phenomenon of unstable equilibrium, since the pendulum will no longer return to its initial position.

Construction instructions for a magnetic pendulum.

You just need a base plate, a few disc magnets, a bar to build the magnetic pendulum, and a spherical magnet. Place the disc magnets on the plate of your magnetic pendulum with the north pole facing up. Now use a wire to hang the ball magnet on the rod and place it on one end of your plate. You can now start.

If you have further questions on the subject or would like more information on our magnetic products, you can read on our blog, visit our online store or contact us without obligation to seek advice from our team of experts.

Rare earth magnets in light aircraft electric motors

Rare earths are used more and more in different fields and are considered as an increasingly important raw material. In the electronics sector in particular, they are essential. They are used in a wide variety of devices that we use every day:

Computers, powerful batteries, hybrid cars, smart phones, electric motors and also in industrial sectors such as wind power. With so many fields of application, it is not surprising that this super material is also used for electric aircraft engines. But first let's clarify what rare earths are.

Which earths are rare?

Rare earths are a group of 17 metals used as raw materials. More specifically, this is the third subgroup of the periodic table. Those who use it the most are technological pioneers like China, Japan and the United States. China has an advantage in this case because it is also one of the largest producers of rare earths in the world. To have a clearer idea: in 2008, China produced 120,000 tonnes of rare earths and thus covered 97% of the world quantity, while India followed in second place, but produced only 2,700 tonnes. But we must differentiate the fact that rare earths, really rare are metals. The name dates back to the discovery of these elements, as they were first found in rare minerals. In fact, for example, the rarest rare earth, tulium, is even more frequently found than gold.

A fully electronic plane thanks to rare earths

Now, as already mentioned, a lot can be developed with these raw materials. Just as cars are now fully electronic, so are planes. Rolls-Royce could play a pioneering role in collaboration with the British government YASA and Electroflight because they want to develop the fully electronic aircraft faster. For this too, they need rare earths. More specifically, rare earths in the form of permanent magnets.

Why in the form of permanent magnets?

As already recognized in the automotive industry, permanent rare earth magnets have the highest performance even in small sizes. This means that the parts used can save weight and space without sacrificing performance. Of course, this is much more important, especially in aeronautical technology.

Of course, this is just one of many examples of how permanent rare earth magnets can lead to complex developments. If you would like more information on the subject or would like more information on our magnetic solutions, you can contact our specialist staff at any time without obligation.

How do medical magnets save lives?

Healing magnets are no longer new. Quite simply because magnets today perform functions in most technical devices that we do not consciously perceive at first, and often not at second glance either. Quite simply because they are auxiliary functions, so to speak, so that the device concerned works and can fulfill its main function. These can be common things, like the disinfectant dispenser or a wide variety of measuring devices. But there are also medical applications in which magnets are kings.

The best example is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

One of the best known examples of the use of magnets in medicine is magnetic resonance tomography. This innovative development was created in the 1970s by the American Paul Lauterbur from the University of Illinois and the British Sir Peter Mansfield from the University of Nottingham. In short, practically a magnetic field is generated around us and an image is assembled from the reaction of the body, which can then be evaluated accordingly.

Everything works in three stages:

In this way, people can be examined in detail without any exposure to radiation. However, this is not the only important example of the usefulness of magnets for medicine.

How do medical magnets save lives?

Magnetic filtering for diseases such as malaria and leukemia.

George Fordsham, doctor of biochemical engineering, has been an innovator under the age of 35 since 2019 because he has developed a technique he calls magnetic filtration of the blood. Here too, the use of magnets is essential. Blood is drawn from the body to cleanse it of toxins and pathogens.

This is a big step forward in the fight against diseases such as malaria and leukemia, since the patient is not affected by harmful radiation. His technique, which he calls MediSieve, is still under development. It consists of a disposable filter and magnetic nanoparticles that attach to contaminants in the blood to remove them from the bloodstream. This does not limit the positive substances in the blood.

Developments like this show the potential of using medical magnets.

If you are looking for more information on the subject or would like more information on our magnetic products, you can contact our team of experts at any time.

Tips and tricks with magnets

To make your life easier, it's good to have your own "stuff", but you need to do it right and safely. Magnets are used very frequently in the domestic environment. It is easy to do “magic with magnets” if you look closely at these small magnetic objects that adapt and fix problems. We have the best magnets tips and tricks for you in this article.

Tidying up the tangled cables

Even two cables side by side can become a tangle. With a magnet, magic art can bring order to the presentation. Simply wrap the cable with a wire around the end with a magnet and the edge of the table or where you want to organize your cables. You will be able to store the wire correctly without tangling

magnet for cables

For solid bottles

Hold your glass bottles securely, you can do it easily because the bottle caps are magnetic. An effective tool and trick with magnets.

bottles lifehack

Help with tools

You are in the right place and you have the hammer ready, but the tools are too far. To keep your utensils always at hand, you can also use the magic of magnets. All you need is a small adhesive tape stuck near your workbench and the tools stick to it.

magnets for tools

Frameless photos

How should it work? In short, using magnets. Simply a small adhesive magnet on the back of the image and it becomes magnetic! You can now hang it on the walls using another self-adhesive magnet or on a magnetic wall.

magntic pictures

Goodbye flying tablecloths

When the wind blows, the tablecloth can fly away. With magnets you can easily remedy this. If the legs or table top are metal, just use a small magnet to remove the tablecloth. They have original and very decorative shapes (like these flowers. You can also use two magnets, one on the outside and one on the inside of the tablecloth. So you will no longer have this type of problem during outdoor meals.

magnet for tablecloths

As you can see, there are tips and “lifehacks” to make your life more comfortable thanks to magnets. If you want more information on the subject or on our products, do not hesitate to contact our specialized staff.

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