Biot-Savart Law

The Biot-Savart law was discovered by Jean Baptiste Biot together with Félix Savart. These two Frenchmen started from the formula for magnetic flux density. In 1820, they made several experiments that had to do with the strength of the electric current that meets a nearby magnet.

Savart's law is the law by which by applying an equation one can know the magnetic field which is produced by an electric current that is not in motion. This law establishes the connection of the magnetic field with various factors of the electric current. Biot's law is one of the most important laws of electromagnetism.

Biot-Savart's law is used as a theoretical basis for explaining magnetic fields. Like Coulomb's law, it establishes a connection between electric fields and the point charges that create them. The difference between them is that Coulomb's law has the point charges stationary, while the biot-savart law has a motion of moving charges.

Formula of the Biot-Savart law

The law of Biot and Savart helps us to know the magnetic field that is created by a current. To obtain the calculation of this magnetic field, we must apply the following equation to it:

dB = the magnetic flux density

dL = length of the element

I = current

r = distance from the point

Applications of the Biot-Savart law

La ley de Biot-Savart tiene varias aplicaciones. The Biot-Savart law has several applications. It is used to calculate the magnetic field B, which is produced by a circular spiral in which a current of intensity I, which is at the center as well as the point on its axis, is moving. It is also used to calculate magnetic reactions even at the molecular or atomic level.

In order to know the direction of the current intensity, the right-hand rule is applied, which says that the thumb indicates the direction of the current, while the other fingers indicate the direction of the magnetic field.

From the point of view of electromagnetism, we can find magnetic induction at a point or in the center.

For example, it can be used to find out the magnetic field of a coil, which is 2m away. For this, we would only need to know: the number of turns, the measure of the radius, and the amount of flux.

Electromagnetic fields and health

Electromagnetic fields of low intensity do not produce any negative health effects. Our body uses electromagnetic impulses to produce brain waves and the heartbeat.

Nowadays in our daily life, we can find ourselves exposed to various low-frequency magnetic fields such as household appliances, machinery, electrical panels, and computer equipment...

Most common devices that have electromagnetic fields.

The two most common devices that have electromagnetic fields are:

Mobile phones can have different effects on the health of the people using them. These effects will be different depending on whether they are short-term or long-term.

o Short-term effects: radioelectric energy causes tissue heating. However, the enhancement found in areas such as the brain or organs in the body are low-frequency electromagnetic waves, so they will not be harmful to health.

o Long-term effects: high and prolonged exposure can lead to a change in heart rate.

Microwaves give off X-ray and gamma waves, which can be dangerous, causing burns or even cancer. From another point of view, microwaves can pass phthalates (the chemical in plastics) into food and then into our bodies.

Types of EMF

There are two types of EMF

- Ionising: high frequency and shorter wavelength. This type can cause the breaking of chemical bonds and alter both molecular and chemical structures. Ionising EMF can cause damage to different areas such as skin or organs.

- Non-ionising: lower frequency and longer wavelength. This type should not affect human health. According to the American Heart Association, pacemakers cannot be affected by radiation from household appliances.

According to several studies, the likelihood is that at current regulatory levels electromagnetic fields may contribute to the development of cancer.

EMFs from the non-ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum cannot directly damage the cell and therefore cannot cause cancer,

but they do increase the risk from exposure to these electromagnetic fields.
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