IMA participates in the PASSENGER project, helping to make Europe a more sustainable and ecological place

The complexity of having raw materials in a sustainable way in Europe is a major challenge since rare earths are highly polluting elements and necessary to be able to manufacture permanent magnets. These allow us applications of great importance such as: sustainable transport, electric cars, the aerospace sector, wind turbines... The PASSENGER Project will allow us to obtain knowledge of the recycling these magnets, investigating possible processes that allow us to regenerate new possibilities of raw material. Because of this importance we attach to permanent magnets today, the Passenger project will produce possible alternatives and innovative technologies in Europe.

The Passenger project is developed with a total of 20 partners, including research leaders, European associations and industries that are dedicated to the manufacture of permanent magnets, such as us, Ingeniería Magnética Aplicada.

Our role in the project is the participation in several work packages and also the leadership of the WP2 work package, which will allow us to use our injection machines for the realization of new qualities of magnets injected with the "new dust created", in the same way as the reuse of unused magnet dust.

IMA, like other companies, will get a contribution to the intentions of the green pact of zero emissions and clean urban transport.

The PASSENGER project is a 4-year (2021-2025) program of climate action, environment, resource efficiency and imported raw materials. Coordinatedby the Madrid Institute IMDEA Nanoscience (Advance Studies in Nanoscience),it has been founded and funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Commission.

The aim of this project is tocreate a method that will allow usto replace permanent magnets. Thishas led to the creation of eight innovative activities with different materials, which will cover the value chain and introduce electromobility. Electromobility has become a key sector of driving with these areas: e-scooters, electric bikes, motorbikes, and electric cars. Other activities included in this project are e-standardization, life cycle analysis (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCC).  Also lto recyclability and life cycle assessment in the social environment of the products and technologies used by this project.

The activities are based on the research and technological development produced by previous projects supported with the EuropeanUnion.

The association of companies that came together to be part of this project cover different disciplines.

The selected companies are from different countries of the European Union, involving industries and associations that focus on the manufacture of permanent magnets and covering different disciplines.

Magnetic and absolute permeability

Magnetic permeability is the connection between magnetic flux (B) and magnetic field intensity (H). Apart from ferrous metals, which have a high permeability and various metals, which have much lower magnetic permeability, however, it is greater than unity.

The magnetic permeability of most materials is unity, such as insulating materials such as glass and plastic. Within permeability there are several types of permeability, but today we will delve into absolute permeability. Absolute permeability is the ability of a rock to provide fluid flow through holes connected to each other. This type of permeability is totally saturated because of a fluid.

Absolute permeability is called the degree of magnetization found in a material as a reaction to a magnetic field. This permeability can be symbolized as µ.

To obtain this degree we can use two formulas:

µ = B / H

 - B = The magnetic field intensity

 - H = It is the magnetic exaltation

µ = µr µ0

 - µr = relative magnetic permeability

 - µ0 = magnetic permeability of the vacuum

Absolute permeability is calculated when the flow completely saturates the porous media. The permeability coefficient is directly linked to Darcy's Law which refers to the flow of fluids through soils. As we have said previously, this coefficient is represented by the letter k. Darcy's law allows us to specify the behavior of a fluid through a porous medium.

The lower the absolute permeability, the greater the relative permeability curvature of the non-wetting phase, this phase has a lower relative permeability.

There are several ways to measure the coefficient of permeability:

- It is measured in a laboratory we can find the constant load and variable load permeameter.

- Can be measured on site

- It can be measured empirically, either Allen-Hazen, Loudon, Terzagui, Schilichter, horizontal capillary test

To measure absolute permeability, a permeameter is required, which is the instrument we need to measure it.

Next, we can see a permeameter:

What is magnetoreception?

Magnetoreception is the ability to notice magnetic fields to perceive a certain position, the direction of the magnetic field. Also, as knowing the latitude in which they are.

Magnetization in animals

Magnetization was discovered years ago, the first animals to use it were homing pigeons, since they helped them to orient themselves when moving from one place to another to get the message in this way, there was no margin to lose and return. correctly to their place of origin and destination. With the passage of time it was found out that the range of animals which used magnetoreption, where they are found: other birds, bees, fungi, some bacteria ... We can also find them in fruit flies, rays, lobsters ... We also find the sharks which use electroreception, so they have the ability to orient themselves thanks to the Earth's magnetic field, using its electric field combined with marine currents.

How does magnetoreception work?

There is no exact knowledge of the operation of magnetoreception, of which we do have knowledge is that the Earth works by means of a large magnet, which produces magnetic fields and the aforementioned animals are capable of perceiving them, in order to have them as base to guide you in the right direction.

There are three theories about how the magnetoreception mechanism works:

  1. First it covers iron oxide magnetic minerals found in biological magnetic crystals that give them the ability to perceive the magnetic field of the earth. These magnetic crystals can be found in the beaks of birds.

  2. Later we found an alteration of the magnetic field of the SPIN or cryptociome, a type of blue light photoreceptors found in plants and animals, which allows us to locate the direction of the magnetic field. These cryptochromes are also proteins which, once activated by the absorption of energy, form "radical pairs".

  3. Electromagnetic induction is the latest theory that has been discovered of magnetoreception, it involves sensitive and aquatic animals, which have a neuronal or cellular mechanism, which allows converting electro-receptivity (receiving and using electrical impulses) into magnetic sensitivity.

Residual induction

Residual induction is also called magnetic flux density or field B. It is the physical quantity which indicates the intensity of the magnetic fields, that is to say the induction which remains in a saturated magnetic material once the magnetizing field has been removed. We can also call it magnetic flux 0 which crosses perpendicularly a unit of area A. In addition, it can be symbolized by gauss, with which 10,000 gauss refers to 1 tesla. Magnetic induction decreases with increasing temperature.

Otherwise, all the internal and external points of the magnet have the possibility of affecting a field intensity B with a certain direction which will be oriented with a needle. The density of magnetic flux can be obtained through the calculation carried out by computer programs, since it requires great complexity. We will show you the most common formulas.

Field B can be obtained from the formula:

To calculate the magnetic flux density of a conductor perpendicular to the magnetic field line, the formula is:

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