What’s Pauli's principle?

Pauli’s principle, also known as the Pauli ban or the Paulian exclusion principle, was discovered in 1924 by physicist Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, who almost 20 years later also received the Nobel Prize for his work. Generally speaking, according to Pauli's principle, two electrons in an atom should never have exactly the same state. This description makes it clear why it is also called a prohibition or exclusion principle. To explain and understand this in more detail, we must first clarify some basic concepts.

Explanations of terms related to Pauli’s principle

The state of an electron is measured with the so-called quantum numbers. These are four different physical quantities that represent the properties of the electron: the energy - abbreviated with "n", the angular momentum "l", the orientation of this angular momentum "m", and the orientation of the Electrospins "s". In addition, there is the abbreviation "sm" which means the alignment of the electrospin. Consequently, these five variables for the motion properties of the electron appear in an equation and according to Pauli's principle, they should never be the same.

However, there is a limitation. This principle does not apply simply to all electrons, but only to those whose spin is not an integer. These electrons are called fermions. We call all particles with whole turns to which the exclusion principle we call bosons does not apply. The space within an atom in which electrons are found and cannot remain at the same time if they are not integers and have the same arrangement is called orbital. These are the most important terms to understand Pauli's principle.

Pauli's principle in relation to ferromagnetism.

Ferromagnetism eventually occurs through the interaction of electron exchange in a solid. This can also be explained using Pauli's principle. How? Let's see that below:

As we have already clarified in other publications in our blog, magnetism occurs precisely because electrospins should not have a different direction of rotation. Now, Pauli's principle prohibits within the magnet that the spins on adjacent electrons are different, a force arises between these electrons, which places the spins in parallel and stabilizes them. This is where the exchange interaction occurs. This is so strong that, as we have already clarified, a ferromagnetic magnetized substance does not lose its magnetic force so easily, even if the external influence is disconnected. With electromagnets this is the exact opposite.

If you would like more information on the connection between Pauli's principle and ferromagnetism or have other questions, you can contact our experts team at any time. We will be happy to advise you without obligation and offer more detailed information

Magnetism. What is it?

We say we know what magnets are, but are we really aware of what magnetism means? Probably the best known and classic application in which we benefit from magnetic forces is the compass. In the end, even our own land is a big magnet. In fact, the phenomenon of magnetic attraction was first discovered in Greece. In the city of Magnesia it was observed in stones from 500 BC and was described by Thales of Miletus. The city gave its name to magnetism as a consequence.

With such a fascinating phenomenon, it is not surprising that it has been researched numerous times over the years. However, there was a lack of clarity about the difference and connection between electricity and magnetism. It was not until 1864 that physicist James Clerk Maxwell officially established Maxwell's equations, which mathematically describe electric and magnetic fields.

How does magnetism work?

There are several forms of magnetism: diamagnetism, paramagnetism and ferromagnetism. Ferromagnetism (iron comes from the Latin word ferrum) is the most common magnetic form in our daily lives. Electromagnetic interactions are responsible for this phenomenon. The resulting field lines, which form the magnetic field, are not visible, but you can clear them with iron filings or record them graphically so that you can visually explain the magnetism.

There are so-called permanent magnets that are constantly magnetized, just like electromagnets. In the latter, the magnetic effect is caused by the external influence of electricity. If you turn off the current flow, the magnetism decreases. This happens faster or slower depending on the material, and the remaining magnetic force is called remanence.

The electrical currents that provide the magnetism to the permanent magnets are due to the movement of the electrons in the atoms. On the one hand, they rotate in orbits and, on the other hand, over themselves. The combination of this movement can give rise to a magnetic moment, but this is a very simplified explanation.

As you can see, there are different types of magnets, each of which has different properties and modes of operation. Magnets are used in many different areas, in electric motors, televisions, speakers or other electronic devices, which also means that not all magnets are equally suitable for every application. Therefore, you should always get enough advice to make sure you choose the right magnet for your needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our specialized staff. We will gladly inform and help you without obligation.

What are electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves are waves that we cannot see but are composed of electromagnetic energy. Since the forces of this energy or electric and magnetic fields change both temporally and spatially, they are known as waves.

But how are these electromagnetic waves formed? A dipole can be used to change the direction of the current flow and the force. When the force on the dipole is at its highest point, a magnetic field is created around it. This magnetic field has the same direction as the current flow.

Within one oscillation, the current flow drops completely to zero twice, which means that the charge carriers within the dipole accumulate at the respective ends and the electric field lines move from the positive to the negative end.

If the dipole is reversed, the electric field weakens and the magnetic field increases. This means that alternating magnetic and electrical vibrations are produced, sometimes creating an alternating electromagnetic field. In addition, this alternating electromagnetic field can even be separated from its dipole, which means that it spreads at the speed of light. This is where the electromagnetic wave appears.

There are different types of electromagnetic waves: radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, mobile phone radiation, even light. These can be described with characteristics very similar to the waves in water as:

Of course, it is also possible to calculate these waves mathematically. Maxwell's equations are used for this, which show us how the varying electronic and magnetic fields are related to each other.

If you need more information on this topic or have any questions, you can contact our specialized staff at any time.

Automotive magnets

At first glance, it may not look like it, but magnets are increasingly used in a wide variety of areas of the automotive industry. Not only on the production lines, but also in the car itself: in loudspeakers, ABS systems, windscreen wipers or in the door lock, magnets can be used everywhere.

Magnets as accessories for your car

Neodymium magnets are particularly popular because with a small size they obtain an extreme adhesive force. This property is particularly advantageous in electric motors, for example, or in other parts of the car where there is not much space, but high performance is required.

Ferrite magnets were used in the beginning, but neodymium magnets are gaining strength due to their resistance and are the most used magnets for the automotive sector. However, you should ensure that they have a certain alloy, depending on where you want to use them, otherwise they are more susceptible to corrosion and other external factors.

Permanent magnets as tools for car manufacturing

Magnets are used in production lines in the automotive sector. They are particularly often used to avoid production downtime and to remove disruptive iron particles and other magnetic particles from circulation to ensure a high quality end product. For the manufacturer it is a saving of time and money.

The personalization of the cars by means of magnets

Finally, magnets are not only used in the industrial sector such as automotive, but also for the end user. There are different types of magnets that offer numerous applications to personalize the car and adapt it for your own use. For example, window covers can be attached with magnetic buttons. The navigation device can also be easily connected to the driver's area using a magnetic mount, so that it is held securely and does not slip while driving.

The magnetic solution is also used in marketing when it comes to placing advertising messages on cars effectively and economically. This guarantees a wide range, as it is a mobile advertising space and the magnetic films used here are easy to attach and remove. The advertising message can be changed at any time.

Magnets are an integral part of the automotive sector. Regardless of whether it is industrial or private, the magnet is an integral part of our car. If you have any questions on the subject or would like more information on the right magnets for use in the car, please do not hesitate to contact our specialist staff.

What is Lorentz's strength?

Lorentz's strength was discovered by Dutch physicist Hendrik Antoon Lorentz and describes the force acting on individual moving electrical charges within a magnetic field. A possible definition and the physical formula with which the Lorentz force is calculated is as follows:

"If a charged particle "q" moves at a velocity "v" perpendicular to the field lines of a magnetic field with flux density "B", the Lorentz force acts on this particle."

       F = q * v * B

However, to really understand Lorentz's strength, some basic concepts must first be clarified. These basic concepts include, magnets with their magnetic fields. As we know, magnets have two poles, the North Pole and the South Pole. If you bring two different poles together, they attract each other, two identical poles repel each other.

If we bring a magnet close to a ferromagnetic material like iron, it is attracted, that is, the iron moves in the direction of the magnet within the so-called magnetic field. The magnetic field can be displayed by means of field lines. These field lines generally flow from the north to the south pole and never cross.

This begins to work if we now place an electrically charged conductor between the magnetic field lines mentioned above. The electrical conductor is moved by Lorentz's force.

How can the direction of Lorentz's force be determined?

The left hand rule and the right hand rule can be used to determine the direction of Lorentz's force, i.e. whether the driver described in our previous example is moving to the right or to the left. If the current flows from - to +, the left rule applies and vice versa from + to - for the right rule.

You can see exactly three fingers, the thumb, the index and the middle finger. No matter which of the two rules we use, the thumb represents the origin, that is, the direction of the electron stream. The index finger indicates the direction of the magnetic field, i.e. the direction of the field lines, and the middle finger represents the direction of the force.

Then we see that the driver moves to the left, the middle finger is shown to the left and vice versa. This rule is also called the UVW rule, where U stands for cause (thumb), V for mediation (index finger) and W for effect (middle finger).

The Lorentz force benefits from many physical experiments and is also a fundamental principle in technical applications such as electric motors, generators or televisions. If you would like more information or have further questions about magnetism, you can contact our specialized staff at any time.

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