Do you want to store large magnets safely and we don't know how?

Accidents occur frequently, especially when removing and storing large magnets. In many cases, plastic separators are used to store magnets, but even so, the magnets tend to fly and cling to each other, usually carrying some skin with them.

To manage, pack and store large magnets, appropriate methods must be used and, in particular, certain safety aspects must be taken into consideration.

In fact, certain reception or storage departments in some factories are not familiar with the strength of permanent magnets and this can cause injury or broken parts. All personnel who may come into contact with this alloy should be aware of the dangers of handling these magnets. The brittle nature of the alloy can lead to flying chips if the magnets are allowed to impact each other or on a solid surface.

In this sense, storing large magnets can become a great danger if the required precaution is not taken.

What are the methods for safely storing large magnets?

The main method for storing large magnets is with the use of wooden boxes. Many times, these products must be shipped, or simply packaged for safekeeping but must have this protection because it is considered a dangerous product (because of its size), due to the field density emanating from the sides of the package exceeds a specified value.

Therefore, for storing large magnets, as well as for their use and cleaning, they must be protected mainly from three types of factors, which favour demonetization and even destruction. These aspects are:

If you want to know more about safely storing large magnets, IMA can advise you on the best magnetism solution for your project. If you have questions, you can contact us.

On the other hand, special care must be taken with metal shelves with little separation, because they can cause magnets to jump or move when accessed. Therefore, a recommended safety distance between devices and magnets should be maintained, and large magnets should not be stored near equipment with cathode ray tubes (CRTs) or magnetic storage media. Magnets that are not of the same alloy may need to be buffered from each other due to demagnetizing effects.

In short, to combat accumulated waste, magnets should be kept in closed, clean containers. The magnets must remain in the attraction condition with all spacers intact.

Why is that? I don't know. Because this will attract ferrous particles from the air and surrounding surfaces. These particles will accumulate and appear as small "hairs" on the surface of the magnet or packaging.

In this line, in addition to using protectors or wooden boxes, large magnets should be stored in an environment of low humidity and mild temperature.

How does a magnetic separator work and what uses can it have?

A magnetic separator is a device that uses a magnet to remove impurities and other magnetic materials from metal. Magnetic separators can be used before, during and after the production of a material and can be adjusted to attract different types of magnetic materials at different intensity levels.

Although its use is almost always industrial in nature, a magnetic separator is used for a wide variety of applications. Magnetic separators can be ferromagnetic or paramagnetic and can vary in size from a table version to a large, heavy drum used in recycling and other manufacturing applications.

How is a magnetic separator used?

A magnetic separator consists of a powerful magnet that is placed or suspended from a ceiling or device. Materials can be passed over a table top magnetic separator, while suspended magnetic separators often hang over a material to remove its impurities. Magnetic separators can also be cylinders through which objects pass. The material that purifies a magnetic separator can be in the form of parts, a finished product or even a liquid metal. With this, a magnetic separator is characterized by:

What are the applications of a magnetic separator?

A magnetic separator is often used for industrial purposes such as:

How does a magnetic separator work and what uses can it have?

They are also found in scientific laboratories that constantly require metallic materials that are free of impurities (often the case of chemistry). In this case, the magnetic separator is usually a cylinder or flask that prevents cross-contamination between two different substances by forcing all or some of the magnetic materials of a substance into a separate container.

Advantages of a magnetic separator

Magnetic separators are powerful, portable and can be adjusted to remove various types of magnetic materials from a liquid or solid. They are most effective when used in a liquid, although it is also possible to remove solid impurities. Magnetic separators are very versatile and incredibly simple in design. In fact, a basic magnetic separator can be built at any time, using only a powerful magnet such as neodymium magnets and a clamp to hold the material down.

And what are the disadvantages?

The main disadvantage of a magnetic separator is that it must be constantly maintained. The magnetic separator should be washed or cleaned to remove accumulated magnetic materials, while oil should be added to moving parts. In the case of an electromagnetic separator, the electromagnets must be able to be switched off at any time in case of emergency.

For industry, the magnetic separator comes in a different range of products such as magnetic drums, which are ideal for the continuous removal of ferrous particle contamination from any bulk material in the dry state, as well as magnetic drums with housings, which provide good separation in applications where there is a high concentration of metal contamination.

There are also magnetic pulleys, overband, magnetic plate, magnetic filters, removable magnetic grids, electromagnetic plate, magnetic hump and magnetic bars, among others.

In short, the magnetic separator creates a magnetic field of high intensity and very high gradient capable of attracting very weak materials such as iron oxides, weak magnetic powders and a high amount of paramagnetic, so if you are interested in knowing more about it, IMA can advise you on the magnetism solution that best suits your project. If you have questions, you can contact us.

What is a permanent magnet? What types are there?

A permanent magnet is a material that can provide magnetic flux when magnetized with an applied magnetic field and its magnetism capability is characterized by two key parameters: remanence and coercitivity.

In general, the intrinsic coercitivity of a permanent magnet (Hcj ) is greater than 300kOe (in the CGS unit) or 24kA / m (in the SI unit). With greater coercitivity, a permanent magnet has a greater capacity to resist demagnetization, including electric or magnetic circuit field demagnetization and thermal demagnetization of the working temperature in various motors and/or electrical machine applications.

A commercial permanent magnet requires relatively high remanence and coercion at an affordable cost and, in contrast to an electromagnet, the latter only behaves like a magnet when an electric current flows through it.

What materials is a permanent magnet made of?

As for the types of materials, permanent magnets manufacture with hard ferromagnetic materials, which are those that, after being magnetized, maintain their magnetic properties until they are demagentized, which is the phenomenon that occurs when applying a magnetic field contrary to that of the beginning.

The materials used for the manufacture of a permanent magnet are:

What materials is a permanent magnet made of

In fact, there are differences between a neodymium magnet and a samarium magnet, but the neodymium magnet is the most powerful magnet in the world. In relation to manufacturing processes, they include sintered, fused, bonded (compressed, injected, extruded and calendered) and hot-pressed magnets.

On the other hand, permanent magnets are made of natural substances such as magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ), the most magnetic natural mineral. The Earth itself is a large permanent magnet, although its magnetic field is quite weak in relation to its size. Humans have used Earth's magnetic field for navigation since the compass was invented in ancient China.

Even the most powerful permanent magnet is not as strong as the strongest electromagnets, so their applications are limited, but they still have many uses such as neodymium magnet applications in electric motors. The more mundane would be used as refrigerator magnets, but magnets can be found everywhere, including:

In fact, electric motors operate through an interaction between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet.

How does a permanent magnet work?

Each permanent magnet generates a magnetic field, like any other magnet, which circulates around the magnet in a different pattern. The size of the magnetic field is related to the size of the magnet and its strength. The easiest way to see a magnetic field generated by a permanent magnet is to disperse the iron filings around a bar magnet, which are quickly oriented along the field lines.

Each permanent magnet has two poles, called north and south, although they could be called A and B. Similar poles repel each other while opposite poles attract each other. It takes a lot of effort to keep the repellent poles of a magnet together, while an effort is required to remove the poles of attraction. The most powerful magnets attract with such force that they can cause injury by pinching the skin between them.

For thousands of years, permanent magnets were the only magnets humans had. The electromagnet was only invented in 1823. Before that, magnets were mostly novelties. Using an electromagnet, it is possible to induce a current in any ferromagnetic material, such as an iron clip. However, the effect fades quickly.

At IMA we can advise you on the permanent magnet that best suits your project or need. If you have any questions, please contact us.

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking is a broad term covering a wide variety of activities, but in general, it is the idea that applying systemic thinking to human biology, that is, treating people like computers, has the potential to make great strides in health and well-being. The idea is that you can take something like diet and use a systemic thinking approach to optimize human functioning and make yourself better than you could be.

But for many, biohacking is nothing more than performing body modifications with cybernetic implants. In fact, one of the trends in biohacking are precisely the magnet implants in the fingers.

This includes the installation of a small magnet that passes through the skin of a finger for the purpose of "feeling" the magnetism.

What are finger magnet implants?

Many consider magnet finger implants to be an interesting new way to give a "sixth sense" to the human being. A magnet implant consists of a 52n neodymium magnet coated in 24-carat gold and then placed inside a silicone or Teflon shell to perform a biological test.

Biohacking, finger magnet implants

Gold, silicon and Teflon are ecological, which means that they do not react to the body's internal immune system and are therefore not rejected. The magnet is then inserted into the body, most commonly into the non-dominant ring finger. This is due to the fact that it is your less useful finger, in case something goes wrong.

The procedure is performed primarily by body modification specialists in tattoo shops or piercings, does not involve anesthesia, and is relatively inexpensive. Once the painful procedure is over and the small wound on the finger is removed with surgical glue, you can immediately start lifting clips and any other small ferrous objects with your finger.

What happens after you get magnet implants in your fingers?

After a few weeks of recovery, you will begin to feel what is known as "buzzing," or the magnetic fields around you, that react because of the magnet on your finger. What can be perceived at this stage with your new sixth sense?

Biohacking is carrying out body modifications with magnet implants and obtaining cybernetic advantages installed in our own body.

According to studies conducted in recent years, this biological hacking is completely safe, with no other side effects, in addition to the small accidental discovery that people with this implant are immune to tasers and electrical weapons.

Other examples of implants include pacemakers that help balance abnormal heart rhythms, hearing aids that are implanted directly into the auditory nerve of the ear, prostheses and electronic prostheses, and brain implants that help treat tremors in Parkinson's patients.

On the other hand, in addition to magnet implants in the fingers, the other common biohacking trend is based on the RFID chip, which is implanted with a large needle to inject a microchip-sized glass tablet into the skin between the thumb and index finger, or arm.

When programmed correctly, the RFID chip can be a very interesting tool. When someone passes their smartphone over the chip area, you can have them instantly open a website or application for which the chip is programmed.

If you want to know more about technology and magnets, or 13 everyday objects that use magnets, at IMA we can advise you on the magnet that best suits your project or need. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Discover the differences between natural and artificial magnets

The main difference between natural and artificial magnets is precisely that natural magnets will always be weaker than artificial magnets, which, moreover, can have the size you want, which is not possible with the natural magnet, since it breaks when they are formed.

But let's detail this subject a little more. First of all, we can remember that magnets have the following parts:

Having said that, we start with natural magnets, which occur naturally in the environment, just as coal does, and can be found in sand deposits in various parts of the world. All natural magnets are permanent magnets, which means they will never lose their magnetic power.

Discover the differences between natural and artificial magnets

The strongest natural magnetic is the magnet stone, also called magnetite. This mineral is black and very shiny when polished. The magnet stone was used in the early stages of civilization and attracts small pieces of iron, cobalt and nickel to it. It's usually an iron oxide called Fe3O4. Because natural magnets are permanent magnets, if the imitation stone is allowed to rotate freely, its north pole will always align with the Earth's geographic north pole.

Today, if you visit a spectacle of gems and minerals, you will find lodges on display. Play with them and you'll see how strong their magnetism is. A single magnet stone can lift a chain from a dozen other stones in the air. There are other minerals that are natural magnets, but they are weak magnets, so they won't be able to lift too much metal. Some of these are pyrrhotite, ferrite and columbite.

There are two types of artificial magnets: temporary and permanent

When magnets are made by people, they are called artificial magnets. These are the magnets found in the door of your refrigerator and have extra-strong magnetic power, like those super-strong magnets you can buy in toy or science stores.

There are two types of artificial magnets: temporary and permanent. Temporary magnets are magnets that are not always magnetic, but their magnetism can be activated at will. Permanent magnets are those magnets whose magnetic force never fades.

Of course, permanent artificial magnets can also be made to suit the application for which they are intended. They can be made so that the north and south poles of the magnet are located in specific locations. For example, a ring magnet can be made so that the north pole is on the outside and the south pole is on the inside, or with the north pole on the inside and the south pole on the outside.

What are the types of artificial magnets?

Among the types of artificial magnets are the electromagnets, a magnetic needle, horseshoes and bar magnets, ferrite magnets, among others. According to molecular theory, an artificial magnet is every molecule of a magnetic substance, regardless of whether it is magnetized or not.

Among the curiosities of the magnets, is that you can not isolate the north pole from the south pole. If the magnets are divided into two halves, we get two similar bar magnets with somewhat weaker properties. Unlike electrical charges, the isolated magnetic north and south poles known as magnetic monopolies do not exist.

If you want to know more about the differences between natural and artificial magnets, at IMA we can advise you on the magnet that best suits your project or need. If you have any questions, please contact us.

What are HyMag supermagnets of electric cars?

HyMag super magnets significantly increase the usable magnetic flux density of a permanent magnet by up to 30% more, offering a significant improvement in the energy efficiency of electric motors and wind turbine generators. HyMag supermagnets are less expensive and more environmentally friendly, consuming 60% to 90% less heavy rare earth materials.

The technology used by HyMag supermagnets, developed by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, could benefit virtually any technology that draws power from electric motors or generators.

What are the benefits of this new HyMag super magnet technology?

Firstly, additional efficiency, which means you will produce more energy or have fewer losses.

It takes greater advantage of the flux density, one of the properties of permanent magnets, which allows us to generate energy. Consequently, the higher the flux density you use to generate energy, the more energy you will generate. In this sense, in order to achieve more efficiency, a higher flow density is necessary.

Conventional permanent magnets composed of iron, niobium and boron were industrialized in the 1990s, but have resisted the efforts that have been made to improve their performance. In fact, permanent magnets are a class of magnets that retain their lines of flow and magnetization after they have been magnetized, conceptually similar to a battery containing electrical charges.

The magnetic flux of any magnet has a lower performance with distance, which makes the use of magnetic flux is insufficient. On the other hand, the microstructure, composition and processes of the known magnetic materials have been studied by the researchers, so that each one could lead to a small improvement of the energy product of the magnet.

This new HyMag super magnet technology has been made possible by improving the performance of the permanent magnet by combining hybrid layers of the material in a particular way that reduces flow leakage. In addition, they can adapt the layers for a specific application.

What benefits do HyMag supermagnets offer electric cars?

Hand Mag supermagnets are an innovative element for electric cars because, for example, the maximum allowable temperature of an engine would be around 150°C. The H and Mag supermagnets are an innovative element for electric cars because, for example, the maximum allowable temperature of an engine would be around 150°C. The H and Mag supermagnets are an innovative element for electric cars because, for example, the maximum allowable temperature of an engine would be around 150°C. But for wind turbines, the maximum temperature can be up to 300ºC, which requires a magnet design that is more robust (not demagnetized) at higher temperatures. There are materials that actually perform better at higher temperatures, as is now the case with HyMag supermagnets.

Another attractive feature of HyMag supermagnets is that, for certain applications, it may require in composition up to 90% fewer heavy rare earth elements, such as dysprosium and gadolinium, by weight, than regular magnets that have similar performance.

These items, mostly imported from China, are scarce, expensive and difficult to recycle. But the engines of electric and hybrid cars contain about a tenth of a kilogram of dysprosium per engine.

HyMag supermagnets could particularly benefit a weight-sensitive application, such as wind turbines, because the increased efficiency of the technology could lead to reduced structures. Stronger magnets, for example, would make it possible to reduce the amount of support and weight-bearing materials in the outer casings found on directly driven wind turbines. The outer roofs represent more than half the weight of a 100 to 130-ton wind tower. Smaller roofs could be designed into higher towers, allowing turbines to have access to stronger winds.

At IMA we inform you about the new technologies of magnetism, as is the case with HyMag superimans. If you have any doubts about the magnet your project needs, do not hesitate to contact us.

How do you know how to find the north pole of a magnet?

Magnets can have a variety of shapes. However, if you want to take a closer look at the poles of a magnet and distinguish the north and south poles, it is advisable to imagine a magnet in the shape of a rectangular pole. Magnets can, as we have already seen, be of natural origin, so we are not talking about anything other than iron oxide. On the other hand, there are also artificial magnets obtained by magnetizing a piece of iron that is exposed to a magnetic field. This magnetic field is generated either by another magnet or by electricity.

All magnets, no matter what type and form they have, attest to this phenomenon, which we call magnetism. Magnets have two poles. As we have already mentioned, one can see very clearly on a bar magnet how iron objects are strongly attracted to the respective ends of the magnet. One end is called the North Pole and the other the South Pole. The difference between the two poles lies in the behaviour of the magnet under the influence of the Earth's magnetic field.

In this article, we would like to explain how to easily distinguish the north pole from a magnet. If the magnet can move freely and is not fixed, it points north. If we use several magnets and hang them by a thread, for example, we can observe how they react. As we already know that opposite poles attract each other, we will find that the North Pole is actually a magnetic South Pole. Using a compass, it is relatively easy to distinguish the north pole of a magnet because the end of the compass needle, which usually marks the south, is attracted to the north pole of the magnet.

North pole of a magnet on the compass

However, it is very important that we understand exactly what we mean when we talk about the North Pole and the South Pole. Therefore, we define the north and south poles of a magnet by showing that the lines that make up its magnetic field emanate from the north pole and run towards the south pole. If we want to specify a little more, we can say that these lines go in a perpendicular direction from the part that is most on the surface at the north pole of the magnet, and that they begin to bend when they face the south pole approaching where they are already perpendicular to the surface of the magnetic south pole and return by the magnetic character of the lines to the origin at the North Pole. This creates a closed circuit.

When we talk about permanent magnets, we also use the terms positive or negative pole. In this context, we generally refer to the positive pole. The one looking north, since the field lines start from there. However, we would like to point out that this is a big mistake because it is physically incorrect. The magnetic field is a purely bipolar field, which means that there is no magnetic charge of any kind, the electrons, which we should see as a single pole, as these magnets have the opposite polarity to the north and south poles. For this reason, we can say that both poles of a magnet are equivalent and there are no monopolies.

Magnetic extraction conveyors provide increased safety

Magnetic conveyor belts are used for lifting changes or partial retention of ferrous products. They can be used in tilting for almost vertical applications and even to "pick" upside down. The resistance and size of the magnetic field in each magnetic conveyor are designed according to your application.

Magnetic conveyor systems can increase the production and product flow of the factory, as well as ensuring industrial safety because they can improve position control for ferrous materials moving down your production line. When working with ferrous materials such as stampings and presses, a conveyor that uses industrial magnets can help prevent the build-up of parts in machining, as well as avoid costly repairs.

Of course, due to their characteristics, they keep materials firm and in motion, virtually eliminating the problem of clogging and reducing the need for manual handling, ensuring that operators are not at risk of accidents or critical situations.

What is required for the use of magnetic conveyor belts?

No side rails or side cleaners are required on magnetic conveyor belts because the magnetic field holds ferrous material in the center of the belt. Scrap or small, sharp parts are stored under the belt, which could cause belt damage and downtime.

Most components made of all or part of the steel can be transported, raised, lowered, rotated or oriented by magnetic forces during fabrication. Stationary magnets mounted behind or underneath a moving belt provide:

They guarantee industrial safety, first and foremost.

Magnetic conveyor belts are today one of the safest ways to control the positioning of ferrous parts for further processing. These magnetic tape conveyors are available in a wide variety of configurations.

Permanent and electromagnetic rails are used below the belt to attract ferrous metals to the surface. A variety of designs are available.

What are the characteristics of magnetic conveyor belts?

These material handling instruments, which can be adapted to different types of industries, have characteristics that make them unique, such as:

How do magnetic conveyor belts work?

Powerful permanent magnets are transported under a non-magnetic stainless steel sliding platform to move and transport ferrous metal objects. The hermetic and sealed conveyor housing can be fully immersed in the machine's reservoir tanks and the self-adjusting internal collection system eliminates the need for maintenance.

At IMA we can advise and guide you in the selection of magnetic conveyor belts according to your operational needs in the plant, always guaranteeing industrial safety and facilitating work in a warehouse to maintain the health of lives and assets. For any information or questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Magnetic measurement using the best gaussimeters

We have already explained, in previous articles, that gaussimeters are special instruments used for magnetic measurement, that is, it inspects and checks the flow density, being one of the most universal devices for this purpose.

Because a magnetic field is invisible, obtaining a complete quantitative representation of it requires the measurement of its force and direction. The ability to do that may sound like science fiction, but thanks to a discovery nearly 140 years ago, we have the tool we now use to determine the strength of magnets.

How do gaussimeters work?

Before explaining how they work as such, it must be explained that gaussimeters work because of the Hall effect, a phenomenon discovered by Edwin Hall in 1879. In short, Hall discovered that a magnetic field will affect the flow of an electric current. Now, we know that magnetic measurement allows us to determine the force of a force and its impact.

Using this discovery, the Hall sensor was developed. Hall sensors have two different shapes: transverse and axial. A transverse probe is ideal for measuring magnetic fields perpendicular to a flat surface, and an axial probe is ideal for measuring magnetic fields parallel to the probe handle.

Your probe houses the corridor sensor needed to get a reading. Without a probe, magnetic measurement through gaussimeters is just a high-tech plastic box. When you choose a probe, you get what you pay for. Cheaper probes tend to be flexible and easy to break. More expensive and stiffer probes will resist wear better.

The connecting cable connects the gaussimeters to the probe. The length needed will depend on the work you are doing. If it often needs to be extended to get a reading, you may want a longer connecting cable. Cables come in lengths from a few inches to several meters.

What are the main functions of gaussimeters?

Finally, the magnetic measurement will vary according to the model, but there are some features that are maintained, practically, in all of them:

There are two units of measurement that gaussimeters can read: Gauss and Tesla. They measure the same, but they do it in different increments. One Tesla equals 10,000 Gauss. Some gaussimeters will only read in one format or another, although Tesla has become the most common in this industry.

You should also keep in mind that different magnets will generate different readings, so make sure you have a gaussmeter designed with enough range to do the magnetic measurement, i.e., to read their magnets.

Any advice? When working with magnets, use magnetic measuring equipment that can read up to 2 Tesla (20,000 Gauss).

What are the 10 best gaussimeters for 2019?

Here is a list of the 10 best gaussimeters for 2019, sorted from which we consider best:

In IMA we know the importance of doing the magnetic measurement, so we inform all our customers of all the functionalities of gaussimeters in a transparent way, so that they know, at all times, what kind of products they are buying, and what kind of results can be expected according to what they have purchased. For any information or questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

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