The Gauss. The strength of the magnetic field

The Gauss is nothing more than the unit used to measure the strength of a magnetic field and gaussmeter the instrument used to make that measurement. The higher the number of Gauss, the more force the magnetic field will have, so the greater the distance will be reached from the surrounding magnet. This measure is what we will usually find in magnetic products dedicated to medical and health applications. In those magnetotherapy devices.

The name Gauss comes from the German astronomer and also physicist and mathematician, called Johann K. Friedrich Gauss, born in 1777 and who died in 1885. The Gauss, as we know it today, can be said to be the unit with which the intensity of a magnetic flux is measured. However, we must indicate that the other unit of measurement of the magnetic field is the Tesla, which measures the intensity of the magnetic flux in the same way. It usually does so in a square meter. In general terms the following conversion is applied to determine that 1 Tesla is about 10,000 Gauss.

We can say that the earth’s magnetic field of 0.5 Gauss. On the other hand, a small magnet can reach 100 Gauss and if it is neodymium up to 2000 Gauss. To calculate the value of Gauss in a magnet it is advisable to do it in the surface, since it is much more fair, that to a few millimeters.

On the surface the Gauss value of a magnet is more exact than a few millimeters. For this reason we indicate that the value of Gauss depends on the distance between the magnet and the place of application. The distance of the magnetic flux – calculated in Gauss – decreases depending on whether there is more or less distance.

Most magnets, even the smallest ones, have 1000 Gauss on the surface. But depending on the magnetizing force it is possible that one magnet only generates 100 Gauss at a distance of 10 mm, while another is able to generate 1000 Gauss.

It is important to note that some manufacturers indicate a number of Gauss units in the magnets that can only be achieved if that magnet reaches a short circuit state and only if there is a small air gap between the North Pole and the South Pole. We must know that this value cannot be reached on the surface or with a magnet that acts in a more independent way.

At IMA we try to inform all our customers of the measurements, strength and power of the magnets in the correct and realistic way. With precision and indicating to all our customers the information with the greatest transparency, so that they know, at all times, what type of products they are buying, and what kind of results can be expected according to what they have purchased. We know that many companies do not act in the same way and that sometimes the information offered by others seems, at least in theory, more attractive because the label they provide is substantially embellished. We prefer that the information received is as accurate as possible, so that the expectations are real and match what is going to be acquired. In any case, before the doubt, we always recommend that you consult us and ask us as many times as you deem necessary. We are committed to our customers and we like the attention you receive to match our products. So, if any information is not clear or does not resolve your doubts, do not hesitate to make your query to clear any doubt. We will be delighted to help you

Types of injected magnets

The injected magnets are manufactured by means of ferrite or rare earth magnetic powders, incorporated in thermoplastics. Selecting the right combination will affect product strength, moisture absorption, physical strength, magnetic properties and even the maximum operating temperature.

Injected magnets are a technically advanced solution that requires precision moulds and magnets. The manufacture of injected magnets consists of melting the plastic supplied in the form of granulate or powder, to form a fluid mass that is then injected at high pressure into a mold in which the cavity has the shape of the desired product. As it cools, the plastic solidifies, resulting in the type of magnet sought.

Mechanical and magnetic values will vary depending on the material used. The materials used in the injected magnets are mainly polyamides (PA6 – PA11 – PA12). With this type of injection materials, maximum temperatures of 100ºC are obtained for PA12 and approximately 120ºC for PA6. For working temperatures of 200ºC, polyphenol is used, which allows a high degree of resistance to high temperatures.

For rare earth injected magnets, epoxy resins are used that can be used up to temperatures of 120ºC. This type of injected magnets are more resistant to corrosion than sintered materials.

This type of injected magnets are more resistant to corrosion than sintered materials, for this reason they can be used in most applications without special coatings.

What are the advantages of injected magnets?

An advantage of injected magnets is that they are a thinner product, so the manufacturing price can be kept low and the products cool faster, making it possible to achieve a cycle time of only seconds.

Multiple cavity moulds are used to manufacture the injected magnets, i.e., a single mould contains several cavities in the same way, making it possible to produce a large number of the same product during each cycle.

The technique of moulding injected magnets is one of the most commonly used for forming plastic parts and allows complex products to be produced. However, due to the relatively high cost of making a mould, moulding for injected magnets is only suitable for large production volumes.

This technique uses a solid binder (e.g., a plastic or thermoset epoxy) plus the magnetic material, but offers a greater variety of shapes and complexity of shapes compared to compression bonding. The final material is isotropic: the design of the magnetized coil fitting determines the magnetic pattern it takes.

Advantages of injected magnets

Although injected magnets offer lower magnetic performance than compression-bound magnets, they offer the following production advantages:

In addition to the applications of injected magnets in the automotive sector, injected magnets can be used in sensors and motors of various types, as well as in magnetic encoders of household appliances, washers.

An important feature of injected magnets is the low dimensional variability obtained, i.e. the result of polymer shrinkage during cooling. This depends on the thickness of the part and the shape. Typical tolerances are +/- 0.003 in / in. Closer tolerances can be negotiated on critical dimensions.

Applications that has the magnetic tape CM1 Isotropic and different types

Magnetic tapes or also known as flexible magnets, are a type of magnet used for its easy adaptation to a variety of metal surfaces, thanks to its main feature, flexibility.

Magnetic tapes can be permanently magnetized and CM1 isotropic tapes, in particular, have a multipolar magnetization on one side, offering a suitable gripping force for a wide range of applications.

In fact, this is one of the most versatile and suitable magnetic products for signalling or element organisation.

What are the applications of CM1 isotropic magnetic tapes?

To begin with, isotropic CM1 magnetic tapes adhere easily to any metallic surface. Due to its flexibility, this material can be supplied in different finishes:

These isotropic CM1 magnetic tapes are supplied with a white cardboard and a transparent plastic, they are versatile and suitable for organising products in warehouses or supermarkets.

The magnetic profiles are designed to close screens, sliding doors and mobile partitions, among others and are available in different colors. All magnetic tapes can be used both indoors and outdoors:

The great advantage of these flexible magnetic tapes lies in the possibility of quick changes. In addition, there is no need for accidents with nails, hands or being punctured.

Where can isotropic CM1 magnetic tapes be glued?

Magnetic tapes can be glued by their self-adhesive effect on wood, stone, tiles or wallpaper. Its elasticity and resistance to torsion give it universal usability. It is even possible to connect two light, completely non-magnetic items by placing two magnetic strips on top of each other. However, it is important to pay attention to the opposite polarity. Magnetic tapes must be placed one on top of the other so that the elementary magnets attract each other.

Magnetic strips and magnetic strips without this self-adhesive effect cannot be used as a primer for other magnets. Otherwise, there is a risk of at least partial demagnetisation of the magnetic tape or magnetic stripe. But this type of magnetic tape adheres very well to ferrous surfaces.

Magnetic tapes are also available in many color versions. This variety of colors can be achieved with a creative combination of amazing decorative effects. These created visual attractions are suitable for important communications or other announcements.

In short, isotropic CM1 magnetic tapes can be used as an adhesive carrier on ferromagnetic surfaces and can be produced quickly at relatively low costs.

If you want to know other applications of magnetic tapes, we invite you to contact us and we will give you the information you need for your project or business.

Clamping force of a magnet

At IMA we always show when indicating the clamping force capable of withstanding our magnetic products, the maximum value it can withstand under optimum conditions. However, in practice we have to evaluate questions such as the distance between the magnet and the object to be held -the more distance the force will decrease-; the material with which the object to be held is made, the more recommendable it is to use pure iron. Equally important is the direction of the force, which must be made perpendicular to the contact surface. The dimensions of the object to be supported, which must be adequate and, of course, the surface of the object, which must be as smooth as possible, avoiding any kind of roughness.

The description of the strength of a magnet is always indicated in grams or kilograms.

Magnetic field

When we were children we would play with magnets and watch them attract, something that fascinated us, but we couldn’t quite understand. However, understanding what the magnetic field consists of is much more complicated. We can define a magnetic field as a non-visible space that exerts a magnetic force on objects or substances that have a degree of sensitivity. This magnetism provides energy and torsion in the field that has been created in both directions.

block shaped neodymium magnets

These magnetic fields are formed due to the proximity between a magnet and an electric current. It can also be formed by the proximity of a magnet with a changing electric field. These fields have both poles naturally: north and south. And they are measured in Tesla.

This brief explanation leads us to be aware that something as simple and simple as the attraction of an object of metallic nature by a magnet is in reality a process of great complexity and scientific study that continues in continuous experimentation and advances after more than 800 years of research.

Why do we find the same magnet with different clamping force?

In IMA we have empirically calculated the clamping force indicated, but we warn that it can only be obtained in conditions that can be catalogued as unique or idyllic. We must warn that the measurements that are often made with unsuitable instruments indicate high clamping forces that are not real and are difficult to reach.

That is why it is not uncommon to find oneself as a certain magnet of the competition that can indicate a very high holding force, while one of our house, with the same conditions, does not reach those levels.  This explains why many companies calculate the clamping force of their products incorrectly, with results that are commercially more attractive, but which, in practice, are not real. In our company, after calculating the holding capacity of a magnet, we always choose the lowest result, in order not to give an incorrect message to our customers that makes them think that the holding capacity of our products is above their real capacity. That is why you must be calm when buying any magnet in our company since, in IMA, the clamping force that we indicate in our products will be able to be reached in the optimal conditions that we indicate in the label.

In any case, any doubt that you may have regarding the clamping force of some of our products or any other aspect related to any of them, do not hesitate to contact us, as we are delighted to be able to help you and solve any doubt in this respect.

Which magnets are most suitable for doors and cupboard doors?

Keeping our doors well closed is not always easy and forces us to make solutions that, many times, do not solve the problems and do nothing but leave them to half or are simple patches. That’s why we believe that knowing what kind of magnets can help us to keep our doors well closed is fundamental when it comes to putting a definitive solution to our problem. We know that these are small mishaps that can take us out of our state of relaxation, so it is not trivial to know the way in which we can leave solved the opening or closing of the doors of the interior of our house or the closets of the home.

For that reason, if a door of a closet does not close correctly, it is possible to place in the box some magnets in receptacle with drill. We must do it and leave it installed well strong, with great firmness avoiding that it moves or is not placed in the correct way. You can also use neodymium magnets with a drill reamed along with iron pieces.

Our recommendation is to use a series of thin discs and metal plates of the same size as the magnets we have used previously.  We will place this plate with the drill, placing it flush, so that the simple mechanism we have installed works and keeps our wardrobe doors well closed.

Keeping doors open

On other occasions we want to keep the doors open and thus achieve more fluid spaces where you can be without the need to be opening the doors continuously in our path. Surely on more than one occasion we have heard of putting a stop on a door, on the wall or on the floor. These stops allow us to constantly keep the doors open, even when there is current, as the magnets get to make the pressure and force enough to prevent the closing or slamming.

If we want to establish the stop on the wall we must screw the magnet to the wall and place another magnet in the doorknob. With this simple act we will be able to keep the door open all the time. Leaving it on will not take more than ten minutes, so you have no excuse to leave it for later.

On the other hand, if we have a magnetic door we can also screw to the floor a container that contains a magnet and thus allows to keep the door open. Installation is just as simple. The installation of one or another type of stop is simple, but also very economical.

Magnetic applications

Every time we begin to find on the market many magnetic devices that allow us to achieve similar results without having to drill or fill holes in our doors or cabinets at home. Of very comfortable installation and within reach of all. The magnetic devices are more and more to the order of the day, reason why, possibly, for that closet that does not finish closing in the kitchen, it can be the solution.

Contact us with any questions you may have and we will be happy to help you find the solution that best suits your needs. We can guide you in choosing the right type of magnet that will best help you close doors and windows once and for all. But also those that will allow you to keep it open when you want. At IMA we help you find the solutions you need.

What uses can magnets have in the construction sector?

The construction sector has always been one of the most dynamic sectors in Spain and also one of the most dynamic and innovative in the world. Within the construction sector we find both the civil or private construction of houses and blocks of flats (which is often the most commonly thought of) but also the large civil works that are usually commissioned by governments, cities and regions and which aim to provide a range of services and equipment to large social groups.

Magnets, key elements of the sector

Thus, a mere analysis of the sector makes us see that it is a very open and plural sector, in which we can find both private residences and football stadiums through bridges, roads or blocks of flats. The needs of such a sector are very broad and plural and, as could not be otherwise, magnets in the construction sector are a key element of many machines and tools that are commonly used in the manufacture of houses and buildings.

On the one hand, magnetic systems and magnets are present in many mechanisms and devices used in construction. Thus, in the processors of the immense cranes that mark out the urban landscape or in the engines of the concrete mixers we can observe how small magnets act that form part of the mechanism of these ingenuums as it usually happens in almost any computer or in almost any vehicle of a certain technology.

However, this is not the only role of magnets in the construction sector. On the contrary, the construction industry has been incorporating magnets into practices and concepts that previously were not used to achieve much more safety and adherence. For example, one of the uses that often come to mind when thinking about magnets and construction, are usually magnetic grip screwdrivers that make it easier to make the screwdriver and screw are joined and can be manipulated.

A wide range of solutions

Under this same principle: to make the handling of the different tools and constructive elements simpler and safer, magnets have been applied to the construction sector in many other things that the laymen of the matter could not imagine. For example, magnetic systems involving magnets are used in today’s formwork to ensure that formwork installation and handling is safer and much more effective than it would be if magnets of this type were not present.

In addition, magnetic walls are another of the most innovative building elements currently under construction. These are walls in which the magnet guarantees greater safety in the placement and installation and gives them greater strength. On the other hand, also in the construction sector we see the use of magnets in the magnetic blocks of polyurethane applied to the confection of formworks, which is the part of the constructive process in which more magnets intervene.

Finally, another of the constructive elements in which magnets play a fundamental role are the iron anchors in prefabricated panels, where polyurethane spheres are usually used to be able

to fix this type of constructive elements in an easy, precise and simple way. In addition, this type of fixation exists in 4 different classes adapting to the specific needs of the anchorage or precise point of attachment.

How to facilitate work in a warehouse with the use of magnets

Warehouses, and the magnets in them, are a fundamental pillar not only of industrial production centres such as factories, production plants and logistic centres; they also occupy a place of maximum importance along the entire transport chain from the time goods are produced until they are delivered directly to the final customer. The warehouses are present both in the final stores that distribute the retail products and in the large logistics centres where thousands of shipments from different companies and industrial sectors are organised, shipped and received.

The warehouse, which at first was little more than a space in which to leave the goods in those dead times between one journey and another or during the time that the sale is not yet closed, has evolved to become today one of the most technological centers that exist. Thus, in a current warehouse we can see that there are systems of the most advanced technology such as programs to classify and inventory in real time all the contents of the building, bar codes and readers that allow to classify and know the status of all goods at all times and allow their instant location through magnetic detectors in which magnets play a key role.

shop security magnets

And it is that we could not understand the logistic system of today’s warehouses without the fundamental role that magnets play in it. Thus, goods arriving at a warehouse for the first time are labeled with barcodes and distributed mechanically to the different sections. However, it is in the warehouses of the final distribution stores, such as shopping centres, where magnets take on all their importance since they are not only used to label and inventory the different accessories and elements that are on sale; they also fulfil a security function.

The fundamental role of neodymium magnets

Neodymium magnets are often the preferred option to ensure security and prevent theft of different items from the store. When they are placed in the warehouse, they are attached to a magnet of one of the many forms and variants that exist that essentially fulfils the same function in all cases: to ensure that the detector at the exit of the store gives the alarm in the event that someone has taken the object without paying and avoids IMA magnets in security thus robbery. In addition, these types of magnets have evolved in recent times to make it increasingly difficult to separate them from the items to which they are linked if the right material is not available, with the increased security that this has meant.

It is estimated that the daily existence of neodymium magnets in store warehouses prevents and avoids a large number of thefts that would be responsible for large economic losses that, fortunately, do not occur today in that measure, so we can assert that the magnets play a very important role not only in the stores but throughout the economic chain.

Attending to the different types of magnets that we can see in the warehouses; we can observe that there are both steel impregnated cardboards and magnetic envelopes, magnetic paper or neodymium plasticized magnets. Although they all fulfil the same function, each of them can be specifically adapted to a very specific type of article, obtaining at all times the best quality-price ratio between the article to be protected in the warehouse and the magnet that protects it.

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