Separation of contaminants with magnetic separation systems

In many technical processes, it is very important to separate ferrous metal contaminants mixed in with the rest of products. In the food sector, the magnetic separation of certain contaminants from food products is essential, since these ferromagnetic elements could damage both the work machines and the product to be treated.

Function of magnetic separators

Magnetic separators are often designed using magnetic bars. Depending on the special conditions and the functional requirements, individual bars are used as a magnetic filter or incorporated into magnetic grids. The quantity and size of the magnetic filter rods depends on the total yield of the material to be separated.

The magnetic separators with rotating magnetic rods guarantee a high separation efficiency of magnetic particles. For free-flowing materials, a linear separator with magnetic rods is recommended. In many cases, continuous filters and separators provide high separation efficiency with high performance.

Recommended applications of magnetic separators and magnetic plates

A decisive criterion for the choice of magnets and their subsequent application is the material from which they are made. The most common magnetic materials for the production of magnetic plates and other magnetic separators are ferrite, neodymium, samarium and alnico.

Ferrite has a good price-performance ratio and can be used at working temperatures up to 250°C. Therefore, it is often used as a magnetic material because it also has a high resistance to demagnetization.

If a particularly strong magnetic field is required in a small space for the application, rare earth magnetic materials, such as neodymium and samarium are recommended. The working temperatures of neodymium are between 80°C and 250°C.

When we need higher working temperatures, samarium is available as magnetic material, which can withstand a greater temperature range between 250°C to 350°C. However, this material is characterized by its high hardness and, therefore, can only be modified with diamond tools. If even higher working temperatures occur, Alnico magnets come into play. These retain their full functionality at up to 425°C. Alnico is an aluminum alloy with other components such as nickel and cobalt. For special applications, plastic magnets made of various magnetic materials, such as ferrite, neodymium and samarium, are available. These different materials are connected together by means of thermoplastic binders and, therefore, can be geometrically adapted to the required contour for any required application. The practical methods of work for its production are injection, pressing, welding and calendering.

IMA has extensive experience in the field of magnetic separation and, therefore, can respond competently to any request in this regard and provide professional advice.


The need for separation of magnetic contaminants exists due to the need to protect the mechanical device and the materials to be handled. The different possibilities for magnetic separation, either through magnetic plates or magnetic separators, require specialized knowledge for each specific application, acquired only by extensive experience in the sector.

If you have to solve some magnetic separation problems, do not hesitate to contact IMA. You will be surprised by our problem solving skills, like many others before you.

The role that magnets have in the industry and all its uses

Magnets have played a notable role for centuries from their use as compasses to Chinese acupuncture. But, it was the realization in 1820 that electric current exerts a magnetic force that led to the widespread application of magnets in industry.

A lot has changed, and magnets are indispensable to modern life. They are in virtually every electrical-powered device. While early magnets were made from iron magnetised by lodestone, modern magnets are formed from a combination of ferro magnetic materials. Industrial magnetic materials include ferrite, alnico and rare earth magnets such as neodymium magnets.

Applications of Industrial Magnets

iron makes a good magnet, its limitations include loss of magnetism, heating due to eddy currents and low magnetic force. This is why industrial magnets are manufactured from materials that resist de-magnetism, are powerful and have high resistivity. Here's how magnets are used in industry.

Ferrite Magnets

Also known as ceramic magnets, ferrite magnets are a chemical compound of an iron oxide and various metals. Soft ferrites, containing nickel, zinc or manganese compounds, have low coercivity and are commonly used in high-frequency transformers and inductors. Hard ferrites, using strontium, barium and cobalt, retain their magnetism and are used in radios, loudspeakers, microwaves, relays, disc drives and permanent magnet motors. Magnetic tape uses iron oxides to store information. The latest generation of magnetic tape can store 330 TB of data. 

Alnico Magnets

Alnico magnets were developed in the 1930s and quickly became common. They offer good magnetic strength and withstand temperatures up to 425 °C. Made from aluminium, nickel and cobalt, they are expensive. They must be cast, and the magnetic field is orientated during heat treatment. Alnico magnets are used in electric motors, guitar pickups, magnetic bearings and couplings, ABS systems and in military and aerospace applications. Due to their sensitivity to demagnetization, shape and length is critical.

Neodymium Magnets

Rare earth magnets are very strong and are increasingly replacing earlier magnet types. Neodymium magnets are the most powerful permanent magnets currently available, allowing very small magnets to be used. This suits their use in small sensors, hard drives and miniature audio equipment. Other applications include in loudspeakers, medical imaging equipment, magnetic couplings, cordless tools and as magnetic bearings. The main limitation is they cannot be used above 200 °C.


When there's a need to control magnetic force, elecromagnets are used. Using low coercivity materials, elecromagnets use electric coils to rapidly switch the magnetic field. This makes power transformers feasible as well as powerful superconducting magnets used in magnetic levitation, levitating trains and MRI imaging. AC motors are a type of electromagnet as rotating magnetic fields force rotors to spin. Other applications include lifting magnets, solenoids and relays. 

Which Industrial Magnets are Best?

wide variety of magnetic materials means selecting the best magnet can be an overwhelming exercise. Factors to consider include:

At IMA, we manufacture the full range of magnetic products, and our engineering design team can help solve your magnet selection dilemma. Contact us to find how we can help.

Industrial magnets for cars with autonomous driving

"We do not know if in the future cars will fly but they will circulate autonomously with the help of magnetic products"

Although the concept of flying cars has been shown to have practical possibilities, implementation of such bold and innovative technology is difficult, expensive and limited by requirements for drivers to have pilots' licenses. Moreover, large scale implementation of flying cars requires a complete rethink on how to manage thousands of them commuting above our cities.

In this context, the down-to-earth concept of autonomous vehicles holds far greater possibilities. Although there has been significant progress, challenges facing autonomous driving are still immense, and autonomous vehicles need to be able to:

A limiting factor is the ability of autonomous vehicles to know their location accurately. Various guidance technologies are in use, including camera and radar systems, both supported by GPS. Although workable, further development is needed, and it's not clear which guidance system offers the best solution, especially in conditions of poor visibility.

While special magnets of automotive products are used by the sensory systems of autonomous vehicles, it was not realized they could play a role in guiding autonomous vehicles. That is, until Volvo used magnetic products to directly guide a test vehicleA limiting factor is the ability of autonomous vehicles to know their location accurately. Various guidance technologies are in use, including camera and radar systems, both supported by GPS. Although workable, further development is needed, and it's not clear which guidance system offers the best solution, especially in conditions of poor visibility.

While special magnets of automotive products are used by the sensory systems of autonomous vehicles, it was not realized they could play a role in guiding autonomous vehicles. That is, until Volvo used magnetic products to directly guide a test vehicle

Use of Magnets of automotive can simplify and improve autonomous systems

Volvo was concerned about limitations of existing positioning and guidance systems, which are not precise and easily confused in bad weather conditions. Their solution was to work with a magnet manufacturer and install small disc-shaped ferrite and neodymium , magnetic products in the road. The resultant magnetic field created was detected by sensors attached to a vehicle, and in this way, the vehicle was able to determine its position. 

Industrial magnets for cars with autonomous driving

One of the difficulties they faced is that conventional magnetic field sensors are limited to a maximum of three readings per second, a frequency that’s far too low for guiding a fast-moving vehicle. What they did was to develop a five-unit sensor rig that combined the output of 15 smaller sensor modules. This unit has the ability to take 500 readings per second, more than enough to guide a vehicle travelling at highway speeds. 

To test the system, the magnet manufacturer buried magnets in a predetermined pattern, 200 mm below the surface along a 100-metre asphalt road. A car carrying field sensors was driven over the magnets at various speeds. It was established that these magnets were able to guide the vehicle to an accuracy of 100 mm. Additionally, they established these magnets of automotive guidance systems worked even when covered by snow and ice, which are conditions that confused other guidance systems. 

This was not the first time this idea has been tried. In an earlier experiment, UC Berkeley researchers accurately guided an 18-metre bus along a 1.6 km route using magnets. 

The use of an industrial magnet for guiding autonomous vehicles offers a number of benefits including:

• Low cost
• Simplicity
• Accuracy 
• Reliability 

Contact us to discover how we can help you use an industrial magnet to develop your autonomous systems.

The magnet, an innovative element for electric cars

The increase in the number of manufacturers that opt for electric car models, is thanks to the demand for these products and the advantages they can offer to customers. These electric cars are manufactured using components such as automotive magnets, which do not pollute, or that reduce consumption considerably.

According to the consultancy LMC Automotive, sales of electric cars in Europe are increasing every year, and in 2018 sales will exceed 200,000 units per year, an increase of 58%. With a greater exposure of these products in all media, sales will be accelerated, reaching all the objectives set by the big brands.

We know that the future will be electric cars, but do we know how they work? You may not know that permanent magnets and different magnetic systems are very important in this sector.

Performance of electric cars:

Electric vehicles store energy in their batteries to power the electric motor and be able to move. Once the battery power is exhausted, it is necessary to recharge by connecting to the electrical network from a plug-in connector.

The same energy used for car operation is also used to perform tasks such as turning on lights, listening to music or heating the interior of the car.

The mechanics of an electric motor is much simpler than that of a thermal engine. They use electromagnetic properties produced inside the engine to create movement, while with fossil fuel engines, the energy is obtained by explosion.

Magnets are the main elements in electric motors. The operation of the electric motor is composed of a magnetic coil that rotates by strong magnets that surround it. Electric current is applied to the coil, creating a magnetic field, of opposite magnetic poles to the magnetic field emitted by the strong magnets that surround the coil. By turning the magnetic coil attached to an axle, the wheels of the car also turn and the car moves.

Motors that incorporate permanent magnets such as neodymium magnets, are better than induction, being lighter and generating more power. This allows the autonomy of the electric vehicle to be extended and thus travel more distance, before being recharged. One more advantage that makes magnets a totally necessary and important product in the automotive sector.

Good times for magnets:

According to an analysis created by Argonaut Research, it is estimated that there will be an increase in the use of rare earth magnetic materials of 250% in the next 10 years, caused by the increase in the manufacture of electric vehicles and the use of wind turbines to obtain Energy.

Thanks to magnets, the manufacture of electric vehicles is in continuous improvement and innovation. For more information about magnets and their respective technical characteristics, you can contact us and our IMA team will advise you in the best possible way and with the utmost professionalism.

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