The magnetic simulation, makes us different from the rest

IMA is a company with more than 30 years of experience in the magnet industry and one of the largest magnet manufacturers worldwide. It has the ability to manufacture magnets in different locations to reach its customers in the shortest possible time. It is also a leader in the production and export of magnets in the automotive industry, a sector in continuous evolution, where products are constantly improved to adapt to the new needs of customers.



How do you manage to adapt your products to the real needs of the customers?

Many companies contact our commercial department with a problem, or to incorporate a magnet in their new product or system, without knowing what they need.  IMA always strives to react to customer requirements and one method we can offer is computer simulation of magnetic characteristics, used as a process prior to the manufacture of the magnet. This helps the customer in meeting their needs, with the computerized creation of the product and the visualization of the magnet before producing it. This technique is a particularly confidence-building benefit for manufacturers in sectors such as Aerospace, Automotive, Electronics, Windpower, etc.

In our engineering department, the requirements that the magnet must have for the customer, are analyzed. Subsequently, it is designed taking into account the characteristics of each product, using latest-generation computer programs and magnetic simulators, where you can see the magnet before making it. Software used for the simulations, are pioneer programs that can improve the final product and help resolve the needs of the customer. For this very reason, IMA has made significant investments in specialized and professional programs.

In magnetic simulations, the type of material, shape and specific geometry that will be used according to the customer's requirements and the manufacturing process that the magnetic product will follow, is decided. Thanks to the automation of IMA’s manufacturing processes, total production control is obtained.



Once all the manufacturing and manufacturing processes have been completed, the magnets are transferred to the quality department. It is in the quality control laboratory, where a multitude of parameters are measured, to ensure the quality of the product. These products must pass mechanical and thermal stress tests, corrosion tests in climatic and salt spray chambers. X-rays are also used to analyze and verify the coatings and materials. Another important quality control measure is high-level verification by means of magnetic tests, where the magnetic quality of the materials, the orientation of the magnetic field and thermal losses are measured.



IMA looks for the best solutions to cover the needs of its clients and the best way to do it is through a magnetic simulation at the right time. The technological equipment IMA possesses at its facilities, provides the necessary resources for any situation and industrial sector.

For any questions about our magnetic simulations, or more information and professional advice required for future projects, you can contact us.


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