Applications of neodymium magnets in electrical appliances

The applications of neodymium magnets in electrical appliances are very specific, as they are for electric motors. Neodymium magnets are made of a combination of iron, boron and neodymium, so their resistance and the diversity of ways in which they can be produced, make their use in everyday life so common, that we can find them in almost any area of ​​our day to day life.

As far as electrical appliances are concerned, neodymium magnets are basically used in audio equipment such as speakers, headphones and microphones. For example, the speakers are controlled by two magnets and an electric current. A mobile electromagnetic coil is suspended near a fixed magnet, and an electric current is pushed through the coil very quickly.

As the coil is charged, it is attracted by the magnet and repelled again, causing vibrations that amplify and become music to your ears. The microphones, of course, work under a similar principle, because when the coil moves through the magnetic field generated by the neodymium magnets, an electrical signal is generated, which reproduces itself as sound.

They can also be components of toys

The smallest neodymium magnets can be found in electric toys that, of course, are entertainment for children and adults. In fact, many of the toys you have at home may have neodymium magnets inside, which is why there must be constant supervision of an adult when handling electric toys, since small neodymium magnets may present a risk of suffocation, so it is very important to know a little about the maintenance, handling and care of neodymium magnets.

Likewise, neodymium magnets can also be found in often small GPS units that are installed in vehicles or equipment that need to be tracked.

In addition, neodymium magnets also have uses in an engine, as well as in other areas of daily life they are found, for example, in:

  • Magnetic resonance images

  • Magnotherapy

  • Lifting large loads

  • Equipment levitation

  • Business exhibitions and signage

  • DIY projects

  • Home and wall decoration

  • Stationery and business supplies.

  • Jewelry

But, mostly, neodymium magnets, in addition to the previous examples, are very often utilized in:

  • Door locks. Doors in public or commercial spaces are often used as fire doors. Therefore, they should always be tightly closed. Strong magnets take over this task, even children can open a public fire door.

  • Engines and generators. Electric motors use a combination of electromagnets and permanent magnets to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. A generator, on the other hand, converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by moving a conductor through a magnetic field.

Finally, in the industrial sector, neodymium magnets have very wide uses in automation, specifically in robotics and motion sensors.

In short, the applications of neodymium magnets, both in electronics and in other areas, are very common. Even their domestic use is also widespread, as much as in the elaboration of technological components, engines for escalators, wind generators, magnetic resonance equipment or the aerospace industry. In all these fields, and many others, we can find neodymium magnets nowadays.

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