
Electromagnetic induction

Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831 by demonstrating the ability to generate an induced electric current from a magnetic field. This discovery led to the construction of generators.

What is electromagnetic induction?

Electromagnetic induction is the generation of electricity by the creation of electric currents through fields that change over time. In other words, the production of this electricity is obtained by magnetism.

When the magnetic field flux, in other words, the number of magnetic field lines in an electric current, is altered. According to the International System, the magnetic field flux is represented by (Wb).

The magnetic flux is represented by Φ and the number of lines passing through the surface can be calculated:

Φ = (N) · B ·S · -cos (α)


- N = Number of turns

- B = Magnetic field represented in Teslas

- S = Surface area represented in m2

The conservation of energy of electromagnetic induction is given by Lenz's law which states that the magnetic field is in the opposite direction to the flux. In addition to Lenz's law, we can find Faraday's law.

Electromagnetic induction is reflected in Faraday's law and Lenz's law. Currently, these two laws are based on and explain electromagnetics. Unlike Lenz's law, Faraday's law states the variation of magnetic flux concerning time. The voltage in the electric circuit is directly proportional to the change in the time at which the flux passes through a surface.

What is electromagnetic interference?

Electromagnetic interference is the same as electromagnetic induction except for the small difference that instead of a magnet an electromagnet or a stable magnet is used. Electromagnetic induction sensors are used in different areas such as science and geophysics.

There are two groups:

  1. Intentional = this type of group is characterized by consciously emitting signals emitted with the purpose of creating interference.

  2. Unintentional = they are a group of electromagnetic interference that produces interference accidentally and as a consequence obtains an unintended effect.

In addition to this classification, we can also find:

  1. Radiated interference = an interference is considered to be radiated when the signal propagates through the air between the source and the victim via electromagnetic radiation.

  2. Conducted interference = this type of interference occurs when the interference is propagated through the common relationship of the transmitter of the interference and the receiver. They propagate through a cable.

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