We are proud to announce the participation of IMA in the consortium of the Plooto Project Plooto - Product Passport through twinning of circular value chains,funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union within the call HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-01 - Circular and low emission value chains through digitalisation (Processes4Planet Partnership) (RIA)..

IMA, a company involved and committed to sustainability, participates by advising and contributing its knowledge in the process of extraction and recovery of rotors and magnets from electronic devices and household appliances that have become waste, which will be used for the production of new permanent magnets.

Plooto is a project coordinated by Gruppo Maggioli involving 20 public and private entities from nine European countries. For more information

This project aims to provide a Circular and Resilient Information System (CRIS) that allows proposing of new solutions with interconnected digital tools to improve the use of secondary raw materials (SMR) along the value chain of the industry itself or in other sectors.

This interconnected digital information system will allow real-time information, tracking and certification of materials and products, decision-making, and monitoring of production processes and supply chains. This will lead to waste reduction, traceability of all secondary raw materials, and the process in each of the services.

The solution will be tested by demonstrating the reduction, reusability, and maximum recycling of waste from three pilot waste recycling plants:

  1. Citrus Waste Processing Pilot Plant Citrus such as orange to recover essential oils (EO) and produce by-products such as animal feed, high-quality molasses for the food industry, and d-limonene for the cosmetics industry.
  2. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Pilot Plant for the extraction of NdFeB-bonded magnets and Sr-Ferrite magnets, which will be used as SRM in the production of new permanent magnets.
  3. Pilot Plant CFRP Waste for Drones aims to use CFRP waste from the production of new composite materials to be reused in the production of drones.

We are pleased to announce that on 4-5 May 2023, IMA will host the next Kick Off of the Project at its premises to share the progress of the Project and to continue the materialisation of the plan.

IMA collaborates with the Art Project of the Els Pinetons-Ripollet Secondary School

The Pinetons Institute School carries out an annual Art Project in which all its pupils aged between 3 and 16 take part. In the 2023 proposal, the proposed theme is "From ME to WE".

The proposal stems from the need to build the "I" and recognise one's own identity as a key element in the relationship with others to contribute to the "WE", to be able to identify the influence that each of the pupils leaves on the community and the influence that the community leaves on each of them. A journey from the inside to the outside is expressed in 33 works and installations located throughout the School Institute's premises (buildings and exteriors), with a commitment to sustainability, as all of them have been made with reused and/or recovered materials.

IMA has taken part in the joint work: FRAGILITATS

This work was made by all the primary and secondary school pupils. In it they reflect on the construction of human nature itself, and the intrinsic fragility of it, to become a part of the community in which to share and coexist with these weaknesses. IMA has provided the reused wooden packaging as a support on which all the students' sculptures are exhibited, thus reinforcing the concept of reuse as a pedagogical tool to promote creativity and respect for the environment of future consumers.
The involvement, dedication, sensitivity, and effort invested by students and educators can be felt throughout the exhibition, and, in part, it is also shared and integrated by all the visitors who have had the opportunity to visit it. We are very grateful to be able to collaborate and disseminate such a special initiative.

All efforts add up and, if they come hand in hand with the sensitivity of the society of the future, we are thrilled to be able to collaborate with them.

IMA is one of the members of the MINETHIC project consortium "Promoting the recovery and valorisation of strategic mineral resources for the ecological transition".

The general objective of MINETHIC is the research of new sources of non-conventional mining raw materials, both industrial and urban,for the Ecological Transition, covering the entire value chain:pre-treatments to concentrate the materials of interest and eliminate interferents, separation, recovery, and purification treatments, and validation of the recovered materials in final applications (permanent magnets, cathodes, catalysts...).

New technologies will be investigated to recover and valorise MPCs from mineral resources, by-products, and waste streams, as well as the integration of digital technologies, promoting a sustainable, efficient, and local supply of MPCs.

The MINETHIC consortium consists of 6 key companies in the sectors of waste recovery, engineering, information technologies, and materials for the ecological transition:

The MINETHIC project has been subsidised by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, with co-funding from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, in the call for the year 2022 "Science and Innovation Missions Programme", of the State Programme to Catalyse Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan. Recovery and Resilience Mechanism,in the call for the year 2022 "Science and Innovation Missions Programme", of the State Programme to Catalyse Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.

Magnets in Industry

Magnets in industry are one of the most important components in everyday life. They are used in a wide variety of applications, from the manufacture of motors to the production of credit cards. Magnets are used in industry because of their ability to generate a magnetic field which is used for various functions: such as holding materials and separating metals.

Magnets can be permanent or temporary, depending of the application. In addition, they have a constant magnetic field and are used in applications that require a continuous magnetic force, such as in electric motors.

The electromagnets would fit into temporary magnets.

Temporary magnets have a variable magnetic field and are used in applications where a magnetic force is required temporary, as in the holding or handling of materials.

Applications of magnets in the industry

In industry, magnets are used for a variety of applications. One of the most common uses of magnets is in the manufacture of electric motors. Magnets are used in motors to generate a magnetic field that rotates the rotor. Electric motors are used in a wide variety of applications, from automobile manufacturing to heavy machinery production.

These magnets are also used in the production of credit and ID cards. The magnets are used to encode information on the magnetic strip of the card, which is read by a magnetic card reader. Magnets are also used in the manufacture of computer hard disks, which use a magnetic field to read and write data on the disk. Other applications of magnets in the industry include metal separation and metal cleaning.

Magnets are used to separate ferromagnetic metals from other materials, such as plastic and paper. This is especially useful in the recycling sector, where magnets can easily separate metals from other materials. Magnets are also used in electrical power generation.

Electrical generators use magnets for the industry to generate electricity by rotating a coil of wire within a magnetic field. This process is used to generate electrical energy in power plants and wind turbines.

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