How can I have a magnetic wall in my home?

Business cards, notes, papers, and appointments often pile up on kitchen counters or the desk in piles of papers. These days, people prefer a magnetic wall to a cork noticeboard to bring order to the chaos. You can attach your paper without damaging the wall. It can also be used as a whiteboard in the office or workshop as an organizational system. In the following, you will learn how to make a magnetic wall and what is needed to make it.

How to make a magnetic wall

There are three ways to make a magnetic wall; either magnetic paper, magnetic paint, or magnetic plates. With the help of these materials, it is possible to create a magnetic wall in any room. All three methods can be done very easily. Depending on the requirements of the users, one method, especially in the required quality, is more than the other.

Make a magnetic wall with magnetic paper.

Magnetic paper is a flexible metal foil that creates an impression for magnets on the walls of rooms or doors. The advantages of such a film are that it can be attached without nails or screws and the adaptability of the dimensions to the conditions obtained. Many of the iron sheets are also provided with a coating so that they serve not only as wallboard for notes but also as a blackboard. This makes the magnetic paper or the magnetic wall a great help especially in offices, but also in schools.

Make a magnetic wall with adhesive magnetic tape.

Adhesive magnetic tapes are sheets that have an adhesive surface on their non-adhesive side. Magnetic walls with this type of magnetic tape are particularly suitable for the ordering of objects made of metal, such as paper clips, but also tools such as knives.

Make a magnetic wall with magnetic paint .

Wall painting is the basis of magnetic painting. In magnetic paint, tiny nano-iron particles are processed, which do not rust. The wall with magnetic paint is ideal for magnets.

How to create a magnetic wall with magnetic plates.

Various forms of static magnetic panels or also called magnetic plates are available: coated, stainless steel, or with glass applications. Different properties are also present, e.g. whether the panel has hooks to attach it to the wall or whether it can be written on. Take your time and decide which form best suits your needs.

What materials are needed for a magnetic wall?

Depending on the method (magnetic paper, magnetic paint, or magnetic plate) you have chosen, different materials are needed.

Magnetic paper sticks beautifully on a smooth surface. However, if you want to apply the film on thicker granulated surfaces, such as Styrofoam or cork, it is better to use a flexible adhesive for this purpose.

For magnetic walls made of magnetic paint, neodymium magnets are recommended to ensure proper adhesion. A brush or paint roller is needed to spread the magnetic paint, as with conventional wall paint. Three coats are recommended. Visit us at IMA for more information or to order related products.

If you need to create a magnetic wall or directly a panel on which to stick magnets and documents, this article will help you to solve your doubts.

What are neodymium magnets or supermagnets?

Neodymium magnets consist of an alloy of neodymium, boron, and iron, or NdFeB for short, also known as supermagnets. Super magnets have a much higher adhesive strength than conventional magnets, which means they are very strong magnets and can withstand more weight. They are needed in different industrial applications. The magnets are used, for example, in electric motors or model making as block magnets.

They are permanent magnets, which means that the magnetic effect exists permanently. The magnetic effect cannot be deactivated in comparison to an electromagnet.

Be careful when handling these magnets. Even with smaller magnets, fingers can be injured due to the high attraction, if one is careless. The magnets are relatively fragile, so they can sometimes splinter. This can happen, for example, when magnets collide uncontrollably. If you use a pacemaker or medical equipment, you should strictly avoid strong magnets, as the magnetic fields disrupt the function.

Grades of super magnets

There are different grades for the classification of magnets. The grades are mentioned in short formulas such as N42 or N30. The higher the grade, the higher the adhesive force, or more precisely, the energy product. The higher the energy product, the higher the adhesion, in other words, how much the magnet can hold.

Strong magnets are more expensive than conventional magnets. Another disadvantage is that the operating temperature is lower than with conventional magnets. The maximum operating temperature is about 200°C.

A supermagnet is available in different forms. Depending on the field of application or the application, magnets are offered in different shapes.

What applications or areas of application are there?

These magnets are used in different applications depending on their shape (ring, bar, and block magnets). In principle, these magnets can be used in any application where strong magnetic forces are needed. For example, these magnetic forces can prove their strengths in the power generator. In wind turbine power generators, strong alloy magnets are used, for example, to increase efficiency. In doing so, they increase efficiency. Another application is due to the high adhesive power in medicine.

In addition, there are many more possibilities for the use of magnets. You can find more applications on the IMA website. We are happy to inspire you to get enough ideas to realize your projects. One can be amazed by the many possibilities offered by such magnets.

IMA has manufactured 64 magnetic filters for Europe's largest chocolate manufacturer.

IMA has worked on a large project for

the food industry , which requires high-quality standards and a certain degree of safety throughout the production process.

One of the needs of companies in the food industry is to separate small particles of ferrous metals that may be released during the production or handling process. To ensure the separation of these metal particles from the food product, IMA offers various solutions such as bars, filters, or magnetic grids.

In this case, 64 customized, heavy-duty magnetic filters were delivered to be adapted in the various factories of the customer, a leading Spanish company in the chocolate sector.

Magnetic filters to remove metal particles from chocolate

IMA has designed, specifically for this project, a type of magnetic filter with a double chamber to attract unwanted particles and separate them from the liquid chocolate.

In the inner chamber, hot water is introduced to heat the coating of the magnetic filters so that the liquid chocolate does not stick to the filters and the cleaning process of the magnetic filter is improved.

The designed magnetic system allows working with water in the filter cleaning process, without it interfering with the chocolate at any time, thanks to the double layer created for the inner water circuit.

Magnetic filters, the ideal magnetic separation system for the food sector

Every chocolate or cocoa manufacturer needs to integrate magnetic filters into their production processes. The magnetic filter attracts all ferrous particles and separates them from the liquid product.

Chocolate can sometimes drop in temperature and solidify. To do this, hot water is applied to the inside of the filter to keep the liquid chocolate at 60°C, a stable temperature throughout the process.

All magnetic filters are manufactured with 13,500 gauss magnets, made of 316 stainless steel and mirror polished on the inside, to meet strict standards.

If you need more information about magnet types or other magnetic systems, please do not hesitate to contact our sales department.

What is a magnetic storm?

A magnetic storm is a set of magnetic field interactions in the Earth's interior caused by the reactions of solar winds. he magnetic field protects the Earth by preventing the entry of wind particles from the Sun, caused by the erosion of the star. The electrically charged particles then reach the Earth, which is called a geomagnetic storm.

The magnetic storm was discovered by Alexander von Humboldt, a German naturalist, astronomer, and explorer, who on 21 December 1806 patented the magnetic variations found in the magnetic field.

Phases of a magnetic storm

A magnetic storm is composed of a series of phases: first of all the earth's magnetic field is weakened by the impact of wind particles. Later we find the stage known as the storm phase, where the wind pressure is altered, producing a variation of the value in the earth's magnetic field, up to an increase of 50 NT, this phase lasts for hours. Finally, we find the recovery phase where the magnetic field can take up to a week to recover the original field strength.

Effects of a magnetic storm

Magnetic storms have several effects that affect humans, animals, and electronics. Humans perceive them by the appearance of headaches, while in animals we see a behavior change, as they are more nervous. On the other hand, problems appear in electronic elements such as communication systems and GPS. Also, some of the effects that can be seen with magnetic storms are the visibility of auroras in non-recurrent places; this alteration is due to the impact of electrical particles that make our magnetic field react.

Voltage stabilizers and their role in the fight against Covid-19

The current global crisis due to the Covid-19 virus has affected many sectors of global industry, but particularly the healthcare sector has been overwhelmed. Some countries such as Italy, Spain, and France have put in place a total curfew for citizens.

Hospitals are overwhelmed by the frenzied spread of the virus and there are not enough nurses or equipment to help all those infected. To face this battle, voltage stabilizers have come to the rescue. How they work and how they are used, we take a look at the following article.

What are the different types of stabilizers to buy?

Voltage regulators are used in conjunction with UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) to ensure a stable, uniform, and uninterruptible power supply. This is extremely important, especially in the medical sector as millions of lives depend on it.

In hospitals, the choice has been made to improve the breathing and ventilation of patients as the virus is rapidly airborne. Since the Covid-19 virus can linger in patients' lungs and make breathing difficult, manual ventilation using a ventilator is essential and this is where voltage stabilizers are used.

There are also three-phase voltage stabilizers as well as single-phase voltage stabilizers. It is important to know which one to use depending on the circumstances on site:

Voltage regulators know an important application for generators as the voltage must never reach a minimum, but it is equally important that it never rises too high as this can cause an overload and damage all kinds of appliances connected to that power supply.

There are also industrial voltage stabilizers. As you can already guess, these are particularly used in the industry whether it be automotive, metalworking, or anything that requires constant power control.

The power supply must be constantly monitored to avoid failures or errors that can directly affect production.

Recognizing the importance of voltage control for sectors that use sensitive computer systems such as in research or the surveillance sector is critical. A stable and constant power supply is also extremely important here.

You could say that voltage stabilizers save lives and companies.

You can also see that voltage stabilizers, even if they are working in the background, have an important personal function and therefore play an important role in the fight against Covid-19. For a person requiring intensive care and medical attention, it is essential to ensure continuous, uninterrupted treatment and monitoring of their vital signs.

Even if they are working in the background, they have an important personal function and therefore play an important role in the fight against Covid-19. For a person requiring intensive care and medical attention, it is essential to ensure continuous, uninterrupted treatment and monitoring of their vital signs.

Where can I buy quality voltage stabilizers?

At IMA, we work to ensure trouble-free operation and the best quality on the market. It is important that you inform yourself as much as possible by contacting our experts directly, as they will be able to advise you on which type of voltage stabilizer is best for your intended use.

At IMA, we have been working with companies in the health, administration, and industrial industries among other sectors for more than 30 years and all our products are of the highest quality.

Definition of electric motors and how they work

Many of us are familiar with the term electric motor, but most of us are probably unaware of the variety of everyday devices in which they are found. So, if we first explain what an electric motor is and how it works, then its different areas of application will become much clearer.

Industrial electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy and can therefore be used to power a wide variety of devices. From the electric toothbrush to automobiles, aircraft, and spacecraft. As can be deduced from this information, electric motors exist for devices of all sizes.

Several mathematicians, physicists, and inventors have contributed to the development of the electric motor as we know it today. Starting with Hans Christian Ørsted, who observed as early as 1820 that, if you let current flow through a conductor, a magnetic field can be built up. Just over 10 years later, in 1834, Moritz Herman Jacobi developed the first rotary electric motor. Although it only had an output of 15 W, it was a forerunner of the electric motor, which gradually replaced other types of drives from 1866 onwards.

From this brief historical digression, it is clear that electric motors are directly related to magnets. So let's take a closer look at the components:

A simple industrial electric motor made of permanent magnets is based on the basic principles of magnetism:

  1. The same poles repel each other.

  2. Opposite poles attract

  3. A non-magnetic part can be suddenly magnetized with an electric current

In our motor, which can be an industrial electric motor, for example, we have a magnetic stator that is fixed and a non-magnetic rotor that can move. The rotor is magnetized by the power supply. If the stator is positively charged and the rotor is now also positively charged, they both push, and the rotor can rotate due to this energy. This movement and change of polarity mean that the electric motor is always in motion.

This is, of course, the simplified principle to illustrate how it works. There are now various models that are used for different sectors and applications. There are single-phase and three-phase electric motors, which of course differ slightly in their design and mode of operation.

As already mentioned, functional motors with electricity are found in a wide variety of devices and make our daily lives easier. From very simple everyday helpers such as washing machines or electric toothbrushes, which of course use smaller motors, to powerful models for industry and transport. They simply offer numerous advantages and that is exactly why they are so popular:

The structure is much simpler compared to internal combustion engines, and has many advantages:

Magnets for aerospace and aeronautical applications

As we already know, magnets are used in a wide variety of sectors such as healthcare, automotive, wind energy, electronics, recycling, mining, etc...

On the one hand, these can be everyday areas where permanent magnets are installed in the smallest of devices and, at first glance, may not play an important role. On the other hand, quality magnets are also used in larger sectors such as research, industry, and mainly in the aerospace sector.

In the manufacture of aviation magnets, in particular, it is essential that the magnets are of the highest quality, as errors cannot occur. Regardless of whether it is the drive, the machinery, or the compass, magnets are used in various places in aircraft and there must be no failure as millions of lives depend on them every day.

Consequently, much has been invested in the development and improvement of permanent magnets for use in aircraft in recent years. Precisely because of this, they have to meet many conditions and requirements in order to offer the best quality at the best price.

The requirements for aircraft magnets are as follows:

When manufacturing aircraft magnets, numerous factors must be taken into account to achieve an optimal result. After all, they have to withstand the most extreme conditions when using such aircraft magnets. From strong temperature differences, different pressure forces, environmental factors, and the fact that they sometimes have to perform extremely well in the smallest of spaces. Let's take a closer look at these aviation parts.

What is the function of magnets in aircraft?

Of course, such demanding requirements for magnets in the aviation technology sector are not without reason. Their main functions are:

In addition, permanent magnets are used in the following parts of flying machines:

Are all types of magnets used in aeronautics?

No, because magnets have different characteristics depending on the material they are made of, temperature, etc...

As in all sectors, it is important to be well informed about the application conditions and to be aware of the respective properties of the magnets. Therefore, it is always best to seek the advice of qualified specialists whenever such specific things are to be realized.

As we made clear in the first part of the article, we already know that aviation magnets have to meet very specific requirements. A magnet that loses its adhesive strength at high temperatures is not suitable for use in this sector. As a rule, press-bonded magnets, injection-molded magnets, or hybrid magnets are used. Most of them are made of samarium cobalt because they can withstand high temperatures and unfavorable outdoor conditions.

As you can see, the use of magnets is a very complex subject in aeronautics and it is important to use the best quality magnets. At IMA we also work with customers in the aerospace sector and since we not only sell magnets but also manufacture them ourselves, we can adapt 100% to their needs. This is how we guarantee a high-quality result that delivers efficient performance. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our specialized staff.

Injection-molded magnets and over-injected magnets for the aerospace industry

To clarify why injection molded magnets are so important for the aerospace industry, we first need to take a look at what this type of magnet is all about.

Is there a difference between injection-molded magnets and over-injected magnets?

Let's start with the definition of the term. As the name suggests, injected magnets are usually magnets made by combining different ferrite and rare earth magnetic powders that are injected into a pre-made mold. Over-injected magnets are those that are made using a plastic mold. Both offer the advantage that they can be made in fully customized shapes, which is precisely why injected magnets are used in aerospace.

As we all know, magnets must have special properties for use in aviation as they have to meet certain conditions.

Being made of quality materials, our over-injected magnets are very popular in the aerospace industry because they meet many of these conditions.

What to take into account when buying injected magnets?

The injected and over-injected magnets that you can buy on our website are of superior quality. They are made of magnetic ferrite and rare earth powder embedded in a so-called thermoplastic. Thermoplastics are mainly made of polyamide. This mixture makes these types of magnets particularly resistant to corrosion and they withstand all kinds of unfavorable external environmental conditions as well as temperatures between 100 and 120 degrees.

The main advantages of over-injected and injected magnets for aerospace are as follows:

Injection-molded magnets can therefore be 100% adapted to all customer projects and requirements, as they can be manufactured completely customized. This is a great advantage for the aerospace sector, as this is where particularly small magnets are required, which provide maximum performance and withstand extreme conditions.

For which applications are over-injected magnets used?

Due to the properties listed above, injected magnets, as well as over-injected magnets, can be used in a wide variety of sectors and applications.

From the automotive industry and the use in household appliances, through medicine to wind energy and also aerospace technology.

Injection-molded aircraft magnets have a wide range of applications. Starting with radar systems, fuel pumps, and the drive. Over-injected magnets adapt to any area and any shape required.

At IMA we have many customers in the aerospace sector and we know exactly how important it is to understand the customer's needs down to the smallest detail. In addition, aircraft are vehicles on which millions of lives depend every day, so the quality of the materials used in their manufacture is of vital importance.

If you would like to receive no-obligation information or advice from our specialist staff, you can contact us at any time.

IMA and the Environment

Before we talk about our strong commitment to the environment and how we are working internally to continue to successfully deliver on our green goals, we will explain what this environmental day represents and what it has to do with Green Friday.

World Environment Day and Green Friday

World Environment Day has been celebrated since 1974 but was only officially recognized by the UN on 15 December 1975. This day aims to make the world's population aware of different environmental issues. It is intended to motivate people and companies to move towards more sustainable practices in the short and long term.

Green Friday was born in 2018 as an alternative to Black Friday (compulsive shopping day) in which responsible, green and ethical consumption is promoted. In this way, companies and large corporations are trying to incorporate sustainability into their product catalog.

Each year, one country hosts World Environment Day. This year 2020, the host country is Colombia and the theme is Biodiversity, a major global environmental concern. Recent catastrophic events such as the large-scale forest fires in Brazil, California, and Australia, the locust invasion in the Horn of Africa, and the COVID-19 pandemic show that Nature is sending us a message..... But...

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of living things on the planet and encompasses the enormous variety of ways in which life is organized. It includes each and every species that cohabits the planet with us, be they animals, plants, viruses, or bacteria, the spaces or ecosystems of which they are apart, and the genes that make each species, and within them each individual, different from the rest.

Why is it so important?

Biodiversity provides many fundamental benefits to humans beyond the supply of raw materials. Biodiversity loss has negative effects on several aspects of human well-being. It affects food security, vulnerability to natural disasters, energy security, and access to clean water and raw materials.

IMA incorporates in its business philosophy the will to promote respect for the environment. Therefore, one of the objectives of the Environmental Management System is the reduction of 15% of the Carbon Footprint.

In order to achieve this goal, we have optimized energy consumption, reviewed and implemented good environmental practices in all areas of IMA, and implemented a Photovoltaic Energy Generation installation on the roof of the plant.

To optimize water and office paper consumption, we have implemented general good office and production practices.

Regarding Waste Management, currently, 85% of the waste is managed through recovery or recovery treatment, thus generating the minimum amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

At IMA we have the ISO 14001 certificate (Environmental Management Certificate) and we also collaborate with the "Programa d'Acords Voluntarism" of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

In addition, we have also collaborated with several educational centers with whom we share materials and certain waste. These resources are transformed into pedagogical tools to materialize this change of habits in the consumers of the future, as well as to promote their creativity and respect for the environment.

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