Electric motors today

Electric motors can be found today in several sectors, the best known are industrial, mining, automotive, and commercial. There is a great variety of electric motors for any need.

Electric motors can be of direct current and alternating current. DC motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, most commonly found in the automotive industry. Alternating current motors are found in typical electrical outlets, in other words. in homes. The operation of this kind of motor depends on the magnetic field with the current. In the same way, we can find reversible electric motors that we can see in generators, these can transform mechanical energy back into electrical energy.

Permanent magnet electric motors

In our daily life, we can find electric motors for cars, more specifically in their manufacture, we can find 3 types: induction motors, synchronous reluctance motors, and permanent magnet motors. The permanent magnets and the most used are the neodymium magnets, which will allow us to create small and powerful electric motors. This type of permanent magnet can be found in windows, windshield wipers, and door locking systems. In addition to the neodymium-magnet, we can also find other types of permanent magnets such as ferrite magnets, alnico samarium magnets; compared to electric motors made with NdFeb to achieve the same results we will need a large electric motor.

What types of electric motors are there?

Depending on the speed of the electromagnetic field in which it is located, there are two types of motors: synchronous and asynchronous. The synchronous motor is a rotor that produces a circular motion at a constant speed and is proportional to the frequency of the source that produces the electrical energy. On the other hand, the asynchronous motor has a rotor rotation not proportional to the speed of the rotation of the magnetic field and therefore of the electric current.

At IMA we focus on research, development, and innovation in various sectors, however, one of the most important is the automotive and industrial sector. Thanks to our measuring equipment we ensure the quality and safety of our products. In the same way, we have at our disposal electric motors with magnetic drive.

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