How can you know the magnetic field strength of a magnet?

A magnetic field is a forced space created by the magnet around it due to its electric charges.

Magnetic fields can be grouped into classes depending on the source of creation:

Magnetic fields can be illustrated in two ways:

Vector field: this type of representation of the magnetic field is formed by several vectors that lie within a square. In the vector field, each vector is directed in the same direction in which a compass would point it.

Field lines: this other type of magnetic field representation does not require any squares. In addition, the vector lines are connected to thin lines.

What is magnetic field strength?

Magnetic field strength refers to the magnitude of magnetic forces, which encompasses two factors:

To measure the magnetic field strength, a magnetometer is needed, for instance, an instrument by means of which we can measure the strength and direction of the magnetic field.

The intensity of the magnetic field (H) in a coil depends on the magnetomotive force (N-I). It can be known by Faraday's law is known by the formula:

H = (N·I)/l

N = turn of a propeller

I = field current

l = coil length

As the magnetic field lines are farther apart, a longer coil length will be needed and a weaker intensity will be obtained. To achieve a constant magnetomotive force, the field strength must be inversely proportional to the average length of the lines in the magnetic field.

Isotropic and Anisotropic

When we talk about isotropic and anisotropic magnets, we refer to whether a given magnet has a preferred direction of magnetization. In order to differentiate between them, we cannot find out just by their physical characteristics, but to know the isotropic and anisotropic behavior of a given material we have to focus on the magnetic directions of the magnet.

Isotropic magnets are magnets that have the same properties, i.e. they do not have a preferred magnetic direction pattern, thus the magnet can be magnetized in any direction. The magnetized direction must be determined prior to production. In this type of magnet, the properties are not dependent on their orientation and the particles are not causally ordered. Examples of isotropic materials are polymers, glasses, metals, liquids…

Anisotropic magnets are only magnetized in a predetermined direction, so they have a direction of magnetization with only one defined direction. The magnet has different properties depending on the direction. Neodymium, ferrite, and alnico magnets are anisotropic. A material with anisotropic behavior is wood because depending on the orientation in which it is used, it has one application or another, so it needs one magnetic direction or another.

The differences between isotropic and anisotropic behavior of material are:

There are applications in which we can find several models, which can be anisotropic or isotropic, such as magnetic tapes and sheets.

How many types of electromagnetism are there?

Electromagnetism studies the interactions found in electric charges that are expressed by electric fields and magnetic fields, connected. Both electric and magnetic fields have electric charges.

The interactions of electromagnetism were discovered in 1821, thanks to the British scientist Michael Faraday who with the help of James Clerk Maxwell completed the phenomenon in 1865.

Types of electromagnetism that exist

When we talk about electromagnetic fields, we can divide them into two types of electromagnetism: static electric fields and static magnetic fields; with their respective charges. In addition to these two types of electromagnetism, we find the electromagnetic fields variable in radiation and in time, where charges and fields are in constant movement.

Electrical charges are central to magnetic and electromagnetic forces. The difference between magnetic and electromagnetic forces is the charge dynamics of each. The electric force and the magnetic force are produced with moving charges, the difference is that the static force in addition to this way of obtaining these charges, can also obtain them with static charges. On the other hand, the electric force can condition charged particles in motion or stationary, while the magnetic force only creates influence on moving charges.

Electrical phenomena do not only remain in natural phenomena and anthropic phenomena but are also found in atoms. These subatomic particles give stability to the various properties of a material.

It should be noted that the magnetic force is also present in all atoms (diamagnetism), with the electric force being lower. As soon as the presence of unpaired electrons appears, we find paramagnetism, which is a higher force. Paramagnetism depends on interactions between some atoms and molecules, in other words, it does not occur in individual atoms. The molecules that generate these interactions are the basic components of magnets.

Uses and applications of electromagnetism

Electromagnetism can be found in several sectors such as engineering, electronics, aeronautics, medicine... We can also find applications of electromagnetism in daily life in:

What is electromagnetic energy and how does it work?

Electromagnetic energy is the amount of energy stored in a region of space that we can appropriate to the existence of an electromagnetic field. In other words, a magnetic field and an electric field which is shown as a function of the intensity according to the fields.

Electromagnetism is responsible for the interaction of different electrically charged particles.

How is electromagnetic energy produced?

Electromagnetic energy is produced by the friction of different materials inducing the electric current caused by the spinning of the earth causing the magnetization of the materials. If we want to know the electromagnetic energy flow per unit area, it can be found thanks to the formula shown below:

The electromagnetic energy flux is called S, the vacuum permeability μ0, E would be the electric field and B symbolizes the magnetic field.

Electromagnetic energy depends on the type of radiation: whether radio waves, light energy, gamma rays, x-rays, infrared or ultraviolet rays; they can be used for different applications. For example, x-rays are used in the medical sector.

Uses and applications of electromagnetic energy

Electromagnetic energy is based on waves that are found in the aforementioned fields propagating through space, moving at the speed of light. These electromagnetic waves have various applications such as:

The main source of electromagnetic energy is solar energy. If we are looking for a large amount of electromagnetic radiation, we use artificial sources, that is to say, man-made sources.

What are furniture magnets and what types are there?

The introduction of magnets in furniture every day we see it more and more often, most of the applications of magnets in furniture are used to facilitate our daily tasks. The most used magnets are:

Furniture magnets are magnetic accessories that facilitate the operation of furniture. This type of magnets are intended for several uses such as: keeping doors and cabinets closed. Depending on the function we want to cover, there is a type of magnets or others. However, the most used magnet in furniture are the neodymium magnets due to their endless number of characteristics.

What types of magnets are there?

Using magnets on furniture brings us many advantages such as ease of installation and long-term performance. Magnets for furniture according to their function can be classified into:

What is magnetism and what properties affect magnets?

Magnetism is the ability of magnets to attract elements that have a magnetic component. These magnets are composed of positive and negative poles that have the peculiarity of attracting and retaining objects with ferromagnetic materials depending on whether they are equal or different poles.

On the other hand, magnets can be classified as permanent or temporary magnets depending on the intensity to which they are subjected to the magnetic field. Permanent magnets, unlike temporary magnets, do not need help from the outside to produce their magnetic field, so they can retain it for a long period of time.

The magnetism of a magnet can be divided according to susceptibility:

What are the general properties of magnets?

The magnetism that is present in magnets have several propertiewhich are as follows:

How many poles can a magnet have?

A magnet is a mineral that has the ability to attract metallic particles, due to its magnetic field. There are two types of magnets: natural magnets such as magnetite and artificial magnets such as permanent magnets.

Regardless of the type of magnet, they have the ability to attract metal fragments due to their two poles: the north pole (with a positive charge) and the south pole (with a negative charge). The positively charged pole has greater magnetic power and strength than the negatively charged pole.

Equal poles repel and opposite poles attract. Unlike the poles, electric charges cannot be separated from the poles.

The Earth is like a big magnet, the magnetic poles and the geographic poles of its axis are not the same. The north pole of a magnet is in the same direction and attracted by the geographic magnetic south pole, just as the south pole of the earth is connected to the geographic north pole. The axes of both the geographic and magnetic north poles make an angle called magnetic declination.

In 1831 several scientists realized that the magnetic north found on the earth shifts over time. This is due to the iron found in the earth's center, which by its rotational movement produces electric currents that subsequently generate the magnetic field.

How to find the poles of magnets?

Depending on the type of magnet we find the poles in one place or another, if the magnet has a rectangular shape the poles are found at the ends. If the magnet has a circular shape, the different poles are found at the bases. To know the different poles, we can know them with the pole meters. In addition to the pole detectors, they can also be found by using another magnet or by using a compass.

The compass, unlike the pole meter, is aligned with the magnetic field of the earth, in other words, it will help us to find the north and south magnetic poles, thanks to the direction of the compass needle.

Another visual way to recognize the different poles is due to the colors given to them; the south pole is usually given the color blue, while the north pole is usually given the color red.

What are the parts of a magnet?

The magnet is a body created by various materials (depending on the type of magnet) that produces a magnetic field around the poles (the north and south poles) that acts as an attraction or rejection towards other magnets made of ferromagnetic materials. The magnet is not made of a single piece as it may seem but is composed of 3 parts that have different functions.

Magnets are composed of 3 parts:

Can magnets be divided?

The poles of a magnet are inseparable, that is to say, they cannot be divided, in the case that a magnet is cut in half and 2 independent pieces are obtained, the different parts will obtain their corresponding north and south poles. However, the attractive force of the magnet is affected by decreasing its attractive force.

The poles are most often found to be red for the north pole and blue for the south pole.

The planet Earth behaves like a large magnet, which has a magnetic field with two poles that are close to the geographic poles. The north pole of a magnet, we can find it with a great force of attraction to the geographic magnetic south, so the south pole is attracted by the geographic north pole.

The poles of the magnet can be modified since several researchers have observed a weakening in the Earth's magnetic field, so the north and south poles are exchanging positions.

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