Magnets or Dual Lock? Magnetic or adhesives systems?

For many years, different mechanical fastening systems used in various elements or situations, have covered multiple needs, at the same time as they were evolving and improving.  Currently, they are still being used, but, to improve their support and safety, alternatives have been developed in more than one sector.

One of these options are adhesive systems or repositionable closures, such as the Dual Lock. Closures are very similar to velcro, formed by a flexible support that contains many mushroom-shaped hooks which interlock between themselves, when pressed together. The system allows a good grip and fixation between materials, as is the case of cushions in the seats of airplanes, buses, or various types of furniture. It is a method that allows repeated fixing and separating with ease.  However, with use and the passage of time, a loss of clamping force occurs.  In other words, this method has a limited number (approximately 1,000 cycles) of opening and closing cycles.

It is also used in different industrial sectors to hold parts and elements with different sizes and weights. The operator must exert the necessary pressure on the Dual Lock to obtain a correct fastening and to be well fixed, otherwise it could cause a short-term impact with the fixings and require their replacement.

As a result of the different problems that have appeared with this product, alternatives have been investigated to improve different fixation and closure options. It is here, where other methods and solutions, such as magnetic components, begin to be used to solve the problems in fixing systems.

Thanks to their properties, magnetic systems provide more firmness and clamping force for fixing equipment. Compared to the Dual Lock, magnets do not have a limited number of opening and closing cycles. Their fixing in place is totally invisible, hiding all the magnetic material without the need to show velcro or rails.

Clamping force by means of magnets, is instantaneous and it is not necessary to wait a certain time for magnets to reach their maximum force. These magnetic devices are more resistant to high and low temperatures and at the same time, are not affected by porous, dirty and wet surfaces.

The reliability provided by magnets in fastening and closing systems, opens a wide range of possibilities in assembly, clamping and closing. 

In industrial sectors such as automotive, magnets are essential elements in engines, sensors and speakers. But increasingly, manufacturers are relying on these types of magnetic materials to fix and hold parts within their products, using them as a new application.

To buy magnets or request information, do not hesitate to contact us.

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